Clarrei: the travelling healer

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Gandalf was right. He had left Clarrei in capable hands. Although there were a few rough starts, (including an incident which would never leave the garden the same) Clarrei gradually gained control of her fire. Soon, she was moulding fiery flowers and animals out of the orange depths. As she grew, Clarrei became more bewitching with every year that passed. In their true form, dragons are terrifying, intimidating creatures who can fell a city with one hot breath, but in human form, they are unusually beautiful, and Clarrei was no exception. Smooth, pale skin, high, prominent cheekbones, a willowy, strong frame, she was the true flower that grew in the forest. Radagast taught her how to communicate with the forest animals, and how to heal with herbs and magic. They became the closest friends any two people could be, always laughing. 50 years after he had taken her in, they were sitting around the table, eating dinner, when Clarrei said:
"I was thinking,"she began, "I've lived here for the first 50 years of my life, and while they have been wonderful, I would like to see the rest of Middle Earth."
There was a minutes' silence in which Radagast just stared at the food in front of him, before sighing.
"I expected this, though I had hoped it would come later."
Clarrei smiled sadly. She loved Radagast dearly, but the time had come for her to stretch her metaphorical wings.
"Are you sure you wouldn't rather wait a year or so before you begin exploring?"
Clarrei shook her head with a sad smile, her hair bouncing freely against her head.
"I am sorry Radagast, but I have made up my mind."

Radagast reluctantly, and with a great tug at his heart strings, helped Clarrei to pack supplies for her journey. She didn't know how long she would be gone, but she knew there would always be a home for herself here.

The goodbyes were tearful, and long. After Radagast had gotten a small degree of control over himself, Clarrei said goodbye to Sebastien, giving him a customary scratch behind his ear, before she adjusted her pack, mounted her snowy pony, Emera, and set off down the beaten trail, only turning back once to wave goodbye to Radagast, who stood waving sadly back.

Clarrei travelled for a week or so before coming across a little village that was swarming with dwarves. She swallowed nervously, keeping her head held high and turning Emera towards the nearest inn. She knew exactly why she was nervous. Dragons and dwarves didn't mix, and if she were found out, she didn't know what they would do.

She opened the door to the inn, which now seemed to be more of a tea house, named "The Silver Fox". A grey haired dwarf bustled around, looking startlingly like a mother hen amongst the customers, who stared at Clarrei with open mouths. She went to the counter, and gave her order to a younger dwarf who had auburn hair in a triangular style. He was flushed bright red, and that only deepened when Clarrei smiled at him. She sat down at a table and tried to ignore the stares. As the dwarf came out with her steaming tea, which was rose-pink and smelled strongly of mint, she asked:
"Excuse me, but do you have a room for the night?"
The dwarf thought for a moment before saying yes. His voice was slightly high-pitched, and Clarrei guessed he must be quite young.
"We have one left, but it's not much."

It turned out he was right. The room was small and dim, with just one candle to light the whole room, but Clarrei knew it would do for one night. She thanked the dwarf, who was called Nori, who smiled and closed the door after her. Clarrei stifled a yawn, that tea had filled her body with warmth and made her tired. She smiled to herself; even dragons needed sleep. Changing into a simple shirt and loose cotton trousers that billowed around her calls, she slipped between the violet bedsheets and fell asleep almost immediately, her sleep dark and peaceful.

The next morning, Clarrei woke to see an unfamiliar ceiling above her head, and was confused for several minutes, before she remembered. The start of a new life. She changed into a travelling shirt, jerkin and trousers, before buckling up her tan leather boots and fastening her deep violet cloak around her throat. A loud commotion from outside made her look out the small window. A small patrol of dwarves had come rushing into the village, carrying a dwarf between them, a large one at that. Clarrei ran outside, the sunlight momentarily blinding her, before she heard an older dwarf crying out to the gathering crowd:
"Is there any healers? Dwalin was slashed by an Orc blade!"
"All the healers left to gather herbs!" Was the reply. The older one, who Clarrei realised must be the injured dwarf's brother, then seized his hair in a panic. She stepped forward, her voice calm and collected.
"I am a healer."
The dwarf turned to her, his eyes lighting up.
"Well get your supplies, lass! My brother needs your help."
Fetching supplies from her pack, Clarrei then ran and knelt by the injured dwarf.
"Where is his injury?"
"There-on his side."
Clarrei worked quickly and efficiently, cleaning the wound with water brought by her audience, before shredding kingsfoil and pressing it into the wound. Ignoring her patient's complaints, she then began to chant in her own language. Dragons could heal as well as destroy, but she couldn't perform a dragon healing here, the flames would send everyone into a panic. As she chanted, Dwalin's-at least that was what she thought his name was-struggles slowed before he relaxed completely, which allowed her to bandage the wound, resulting in a great sigh of relief that was carried around the crowd like a voice on the wind. She straightened up, wiping her hands clean on her trousers.
"He'll be alright." She told his brother. "He just needs to rest now."
The older dwarf stared at her before bowing in respect.
"Thank you. You saved my brother's life."
Clarrei was taken aback.
"Oh, well, it was nothing really-"
"Nonsense! Let it be known from this day, that you, my young friend, will forever have Dwalin and Balin, sons of Fundin, at your service."

After a round of hearty congratulations, Clarrei managed to gather her bags and saddle Emera. She liked the dwarves, but it was too risky for her to stay any longer. As she left, Balin spotted her riding out of the village. He cursed as a black-haired dwarf joined him.
"Well?" He asked in a deep voice. "Where is this woman you wished me to meet?"
"She's just left."
"Pity." Said Balin's ebony-haired companion. "She sounded interesting."

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