Damn Barrels!!!

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Clarrei started awake the next morning as a sharp tapping rattled the bars of her and Thorin's cell. She slowly raised her pounding head to see a very familiar face smiling at her.
"Bilbo!" She exclaimed, making Thorin wake up.
"What?" He mumbled before spotting the hobbit.
"Master Baggins!" He said, smiling, and getting to his feet. "We thought we'd never reach the Mountain at this rate."
"Well, not stuck in here you're not." Replied the hobbit, grinning and jangling a set of keys. He clicked open the door, his face falling when he saw Clarrei exit the cell.
"What happened?" He asked, staring at her in shock. Clarrei's own face fell when she remembered her scars.
"Thranduil..." She whispered before breathing deeply to hold in her tears. Thorin gently took her hand and kissed her.
"Remember: they don't matter." He murmured, gently pressing his forehead to hers. Clarrei smiled softly, taking his hand and following him through the tunnels of Mirkwood dungeons. One by one, the members of the Company joined them, Fili and Kili nearly tackling both each other and their Auntie when they were released. She smiled at the pair of them, ruffling their hair affectionately. 
"I've missed you boys." She said, grinning as she followed her strange little family.


Thorin tried to keep his breath steady as he crept along the dark corridor. He frowned as Bilbo suddenly froze. The hobbit turned back to the Company and frantically flapped his hands in a "keep quiet" movement. And as they snuck past, he saw why. An Elf guard lay snoring on the small wooden table, a bottle of Elven wine lying on its side next to his hand. One by one, the Company snuck past him, Thorin grabbing Clarrei's hand as he did so. She clutched him gratefully, her face white. There was no way in Mahal's name he was letting the Elves get a hold of her again. He'd rather die. Suddenly, he collided with a very small, very aggravated hobbit. Bilbo turned around with a glare, before shaking his head and pointing to the little pyramid of empty barrels in the centre of the small room in the cellar.
"Get in." He hissed, as the Company stared at him with wide eyes.
"What?" Bofur whispered, looking to his cousin and brother, who stood right by his side. Bifur just made a small, obscene gesture that made Fili, Kili and Clarrei giggle, and Thorin put his head in his hands. The dwarf prince looked around at his family and have the order as Bilbo watched him with pleading eyes.
"Do as he says."
With much grumbling, the dwarves started to climb into the barrels, many complaining about the smell of apples. Thorin smiled as he watched Clarrei try to climb into one of the higher barrels, her short frame struggling to climb higher. She gave a small gasp as Thorin lifted her up and into the barrel, and he smiled as a familiar-looking blue gem on a golden chain slipped out from under her collar.
"You still have it." He whispered, peering at the jewel. "I thought that Thranduil might have..."
He was silenced with a kiss from the beautiful girl in front of him.
"I never let him see it." She said, with a smile. "And you?" She asked, indicating to his chest. Thorin smiled, rapping his knuckles against his armoured chest.
"They never even checked." He reassured her. He gently brushed a strand of her hair away from her face before climbing into his own barrel.
"Alright," came Bofur's voice, as all the dwarves and Clarrei poked their heads out of the barrels to look at the hobbit who stood by a lone switch. "Now what?"
"Hold your breath." Was all Bilbo said before pulling the lever.
"Hold me breath?!"
That was Thorin's exact thinking as the barrels suddenly started to roll.


Clarrei coughed and spluttered as her barrel bobbed to the surface. Her hair was plastered to her face, her bandages sodden through. She heard a sudden yell as Bilbo plunged into the water next to her, struggling to the raging surface of the water. She seized him by the collar of his coat and helped him into the nearest empty barrel.
"Well, done Bilbo!" She cried, patting him on the back. The little hobbit leant heavily against his barrel, giving her a weak smile.
"Well, done, Master Baggins." Thorin called from the front, smiling widely at the tired little hero. Bilbo waved to the prince, before collapsing again. The Company cheered as they shot down the river, and Clarrei started to smile properly for the first time since her injuries. They were free! Unfortunately, their jubilation was short-lived. An Elven battle-horn rang out through the forest, which wiped the smiles off their faces. Clarrei growled as she spotted Elves running beside them along the riverbank. She clenched her fists, gritting her teeth.
"Leave my family alone!" She screeched, her eyes shimmering to gold, and her hands bursting into flame. She stared at her hands in astonishment, before giving a wicked, fanged grin and throwing the balls of flame at the oncoming shooters. She looked up to see the bright blue sky through the trees, proof they were finally free of Mirkwood. She breathed in the fresh air, before yells of frustration filled the air. She turned to see the small gate under an Elf bridge sealed shut. The barrels slammed into each other, knocking the wind out of the Company. Clarrei looked up to see guards coming in closer to them. The Elven Prince was among them, and though he had saved her from the tyranny of his father, she still felt a stab of fear through her heart. There was no way she was going back to the Mirkwood palace.
"Seize them!" Legolas ordered before another battle-horn sounded through the air. A much harsher horn, which made Thorin growl, and the other dwarves look around in fear. And as a black-barbed arrow thudded into an elf warrior's temple, Clarrei growled, her fingernails extending and darkening as an armoured Orc warrior came over the hill, accompanied by his warriors. Throughout the years, she had learnt his name, and neither was the other's biggest fan, especially considering she was the reason that one of his beady eyes was milky-white.
"Bolg." She snarled, her claws crunching into the wood of her barrel as the dwarves and hobbit looked in shock and horror at their new companions.

A.N// Happy New Year guys! Hope you all had a great time, here's a little present for y'all! Yes, thought it'd be interesting for Clarrei to have met Azog's kid before now, and for them to have some kind of history. Also, RETURN OF THE POWERS MUCH!!! Don't worry, we will meet Bard and Lake-town soon, I promise! Enjoy this update, and I'll see you soon, guys! 💐🎉

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