True Love

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The air whistled past Clarrei as she soared through the air. This was strange, she thought. She had always dreamed of flying, always imagined the freedom she would experience. But she only felt heavy, weighed down by grief for the dwarf who lay in her claws still as stone. She could faintly hear Fili scream his uncle's name, and she could hear the pain and anguish in his voice. She had to save Thorin, she just had to!
What about your healing?
Clarrei almost stopped mid-flight. Of course! Her healing powers! If Thorin was not gone, and she could feel him breathing, smell the pine-scent off of his breath, then she could heal him, bring him back from the brink. She had to, there was no way she could continue without him. I can't live without him, Clarrei realised. I would rather die than let him go without a fight. After what felt like eternity, she reached Mount Carrock, the great eagle-shaped cliff that lay bathed in the golden morning light. Gently, Clarrei laid the still body of Thorin on the rock, before landing a short distance away. It was then she froze in fear. What if she couldn't shift back? Her father couldn't, she knew that much. He had forgotten, how should she know? But she had to, for him, she realised, as she moved towards her prince. For Thorin. A tingling erupted over her body as she began to shrink, and her scales softened and lightened. Her hair grew long, and her claws shrank into nails. Human again, she crouched by Thorin, raising her hands over her head and beginning to chant.
"Camejame macha toca, camejame macha toca..."


Thorin felt odd, like he was floating. Not quite dreaming but not quite awake. He could feel a faint warmth surrounding him, and a gentle voice chanting some strange language. That voice... It was familiar, comforting, made him want to see the speaker. With great effort, he opened his eyes, squinting in the bright daylight. He grunted as a slight ache tugged at his bones. Suddenly a figure blocked the sunlight from his sensitive gaze. As his eyes adjusted, he saw long red hair and tear-filled blue eyes. Without any warning, a pair of arms flung themselves around his neck and Clarrei fell sobbing onto his chest.
"I thought I lost you!"
Awkwardly, Thorin patted her back before returning her embrace.
"Never. I'm afraid your stuck with me."
As Clarrei pulled away, Thorin noticed something different about her. Deep scars ravaged her beautiful face, tracking down from her eyes like tears. He pulled himself to his feet and seized her hand.
"Clarrei, what happened? Your face..."
Clarrei looked away from him, as if ashamed.
"The Dragon's Pain." She whispered. "It only happens when...when a dragon loses the one she loves...or believes so at least."
There was a moment's silence. Thorin stared at Clarrei in astonishment. These tears... They were for him?
"Someone she loves?" He asked, tilting her head up to face him. Clarrei blushed.
"Yes. Thorin, I-"
She was cut off by Thorin's lips connecting with hers.


Clarrei felt light-headed. Thorin was kissing her, a real kiss, not like in Rivendell. He gently wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. After what felt like hours, they broke apart, and Clarrei rested her forehead against Thorin's. Their breathing mixed in the cold morning air, clouds rising into the sky. He looked at her, eyes filled with love and desire, and he whispered gently:
"I love you too, Clarrei."
A smile slowly spread over Clarrei's lips, and as Thorin gently brushed away the tears of joy that fell from her eyes, the raised scars smoothed, paling until not a trace was left. Thorin smiled, and kissed her again, pulling away with a chuckle when an indignant cry came from Dori:
"Alright, that's enough, that's enough!"
The couple looked at the Company to see Dori and Nori covering a blushing Ori's eyes. Clarrei flushed a bright red and hid her face in Thorin's chest. His rumbling laughter thrummed through her entire body, which only died away when he spoke again, this time to Bilbo.
"Master Baggins. I owe you an apology."
Only now letting go of Clarrei, he walked towards the burglar.
"Did I not say you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild? That you had no place amongst us?"
He then embraced the hobbit, who looked like a startled rabbit.
"I have never been so wrong in all my life."
As they broke apart, Thorin looked down at the ground, sheepish.
"I am sorry I doubted you."
"Oh, don't be." Bilbo, said, waving the apology away. "I doubted myself, to be honest. I'm not a hero. Not a warrior." He chuckled, looking deliberately at Gandalf, who had watched each exchange with amusement in his eyes.
"I'm not even a burglar."
There were smiles all around that day. They had never felt so ecstatic. And their elevation only increased when Bilbo remarked:
"Is that...what I think it is?"
The Company followed his gaze to see a very distinctive shape in the mist. The Mountain.
"Erebor." Gandalf breathed. "The last of the great Dwarf kingdoms."
"Our home." Thorin said, smiling.
A small bird flew over their heads, chirping.
"The ravens are returning to the Mountain!" Oin exclaimed excitedly.
"That, my dear Oin," Gandalf replied. "Is a thrush."
"Well," Thorin said, smiling at Clarrei. "We'll take it as a sign. A good omen."
"You're right." Clarrei answered, taking Thorin's hand in hers and resting her head on his shoulder. "I do believe the worst is behind us."

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