A Secret Revealed

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The next morning dawned bright and cheerful, although perhaps that was just how Clarrei felt that day. When she opened her eyes, all the events of the previous night came rushing back to her. The kiss... She laughed aloud, leaping from her bed and dancing around the room. Thorin had kissed her! And it had felt...right. Like it was what she should have been doing this entire quest. Looking in the mirror, something seemed different about herself. Her eyes seemed brighter, and she felt lighter than she had in a long time. A light knock sounded, and Arwen, Lord Elrond's daughter came in. Clarrei smiled and embraced the young She-Elf, whom she had become close friends with when she had stayed at Rivendell before. Arwen held her at arms' length and smiled.
"Yes, you look much better."
Clarrei returned the smile. She couldn't seem to stop smiling today.
"I am here to help you get ready for the meal with my father and your dwarven friends." Arwen continued, producing a dress from a nearby closet. "I believe you remember this?"
Clarrei nodded and laughed as she took the garment. She had worn this for dinner with the Elves before. It was a beautiful lilac material that set off her white skin and blue eyes perfectly. With help from Arwen, she slipped the dress on, accompanied by the matching flat-heeled shoes. As she was changing, she noticed a silver mark on her left forearm. Pausing, she rolled up the sleeve of the dress to have a better look. It seemed to be some strange form of silver writing embellished on her skin. She traced it with one finger, before she recognised it as the ancient language of dragons, Eragith. Clapping a hand to her mouth, she realised it spelt a name.
"Thorin son of Thrain."
Impossible. The rules didn't work like that, did they? A dwarf couldn't be her soulmate, could he? For that was another thing about dragons. When they first meet the one they are to spend their life with, their name appears in silver on their skin. How has she not noticed it before? Arwen turned at her gasp, and snatched her wrist up to her clear Elven eyes.
"You've met your soulmate!" She cried in delight. Clarrei tugged her hand away, a deep blush covering her cheeks.
"Well?" Arwen demanded. "Who is he?"
The young red-head sat on the edge of her bed, twiddling her thumbs. At her silence, her friend began to make her own assumptions.
"Is it one of the dwarves you have been travelling with?"
Clarrei gave a small nod.
"Is he handsome?"
Another nod. There was a minute of silence before Arwen put it together.
"Is it the prince?"
Clarrei's silence was answer enough. Arwen gave a whoop of excitement.
"I knew it! I could tell from the way he was looking at you when he brought you up here!"
Clarrei knew she should be jumping for joy that she was to spend the rest of her life with Thorin, but all she could feel was trepidation. How would he react when he found out the girl he supposedly had feelings for was a dragon? He would reject her, and that was a fate worse than death. She buried her face in her hands, and Arwen sat next to her on the bed.
"What's wrong?" She asked, and Clarrei took a deep breath. This was going to take a lot of explaining.


Thorin felt odd as he sat at the table that morning. Then he realised what it was. He felt happy. Truly happy, for the first time in decades. He hadn't felt like this since Kili was born. And all because of her. Thorin couldn't help but smile round at his Company as they complained about the green food the Elves had sat out. After several minutes, Balin dropped his fork, raised his hands in the air and exclaimed:
"All right, what is it?"
Thorin was confused.
"What do you mean Balin?"
"You've been smiling like a loony since last night, you're smiling now!"
Thorin tried to force the grin from his face, but he couldn't help it.
"I'm sorry, my friend, but I seem in a jovial mood."
Fili and Kili stated in astonishment at their uncle. He was never smiling in happiness, only in sneering or greeting usually. The smile had transformed his face from brooding and angry, to almost young and carefree. It had to be due to Clarrei. The boys had noticed Thorin's behaviour changing around her. He seemed almost shy, like a young dwarrow courting. They could hardly blame him. Clarrei was like an angel from the heavens, sent to distract them all. Not that they were complaining.

"Balin, for the last time, I am just happy, there is no reason behind it!"
The old dwarf just raised an eyebrow at him, and made a 'hmph' of disbelief. Thorin would have argued further, but then...she walked in... She looked as beautiful as ever, in a long violet dress that flowed about her ankles. A darker ribbon adorned her waist, while the airy sleeves reached her wrist. Her long red hair was vibrant as ever, and tumbled to her waist in soft curls.she stepped lightly, followed by a dark-haired She-Elf who had a worried expression on her heart-shaped face. With a shy smile, Clarrei sat next to Thorin, who couldn't help but stare, mouth agape. This was the first he had seen her in a dress, and he decided she looked even more radiant.


Clarrei was nervous. Arwen had talked to her, assuring her that Thorin would not reject her for being a dragon, but she still was not convinced. She watched him from under her long lashes as she ate the meat placed in front of her. He seemed to be done enough, smiling more though. He was very handsome when he smiled, she noticed, it seemed to take years off of him. It took her several minutes to realise Gandalf was talking to her.
"And how are you feeling, my dear?"
"You gave us quite a scare."
Added Elrond, drinking from his goblet. Clarrei chuckled, she had given herself a scare.
"Yes, I'm quite alright now."
"Good." Came a deep voice beside her. Clarrei flinched in astonishment when Thorin took her hand in his, gently stroking the back of her hand with the rough skin of his palm. "I don't like to think of you ill or in any pain, Clarrei."
Clarrei knew she was blushing redder than a dragons' scales, but she didn't care. All she could think about was the way Thorin's lips had felt on hers, gentle and firm. The way he had held her, tenderly, as though she were glass.
"I promise you, Thorin," she said breathlessly, "I have never felt better."
"I do find it odd though," Elrond continued, "that a company of dwarves would allow a dragon to accompany them."
Her heart seemed to stop, and Thorin froze, his eyes turning to ice.
"What?" He growled, turning his steely eyes on the Elf. It was then Elrond realised his mistake. Thorin turned to Clarrei, horror in his eyes. He dropped her hand, stood and began to back away.
"A dragon?" He whispered in shock. Clarrei could feel tears building in her eyes.
"Thorin, I was going to tell you, I was, but I just-"
"You just what?" Spat the dwarf prince. "Wanted to wait until we trusted you enough to lower our guards, and then you'd devour us?"
"No, Thorin, I'm not like that! Please, you have to believe me!"
Thorin laughed, but it was full of hurt.
"Believe you? Clarrei I don't even know who you really are."
Clarrei clenched her fists, and flames began to wind their way up her arms. Opening her eyes, tears slid down her face, scalding her skin.
"I'm Smaug's daughter."
With a sob, she turned and pushed her way through the crowd of Elves and past the Company's shocked stares. As she took shelter in a nearby gazebo made of tall marble, she collapsed into a bench and burst into tears, allowing the flames freedom, as fire tracked down from her eyes and up her arms. Here was the sound of a dragons' heartbreak.

A.N: Well now Thorin knows! How do you think he will react? Will he reject Clarrei, or are they meant to be together? If you liked this chapter, show that little star button some love, I really appreciate it! I know it's earlier than usual but I keep getting comments like write more we need updates! So I hope I've lived up to expectations :-) I love you all so much guys!

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