An ally

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As the roar echoed around the cliffside, the Company broke into a sprint down the rocky cliffside. Whatever it was that was chasing them was big, and certainly quick. Thorin could practically feel the hot breath of the beast on the back of his neck. He ran faster, his chest burning as he pushed past the bushes and brambles. One by one, the Company leapt from the brambles into a large, sunny clearing that led to the biggest form of... cottage? Was it a cottage? It looked more like a manor house, to be quite frank.
His train of thought was interrupted as the ground began to shake more. Turning his head back a fraction, his insides turned to ice as he saw the creature fully as it emerged into the sunlight.


He was humongous. Far bigger than she remembered. Clarrei cursed under her breath as she sprinted alongside Bilbo.
"Damn it all Beorn!" She hissed under her breath as her chest ached. Her muscles still hurt from her first transformation last month, and her powers had felt drained, only just returning now. She was in no shape to fight, let alone Beorn when he was riled up like that. She pumped her legs faster, overtaking the others quickly, before arriving at the door. She began to push the large slab of wood that held the door fast, but her weak legs trembled under its weight. One by one, the dwarves joined her, pushing the log free and kicking the door down. Gandalf and Bilbo joined the swarm of dwarves before the huge bear tried to storm the door. Every dwarf pushed hard against the wooden door, sweat covering their brows with the strain. Clarrei leant heavily on her knees, panting as the door slammed closed. A hand rested on her shoulder, and she looked up to see Thorin watching her with concern.
"Clarrei, my love, are you alright?"
She quickly plastered on a tired smile to calm him.
"I'm fine, Thorin. Just a little tired."
The dwarf prince nodded to her, planting a kiss on her forehead before the others began to shout at Gandalf.
"What on Earth was that?" Nori demanded, straightening his cuffs.
"His name is Beorn." Gandalf explained. "And he is a skin-changer."
"And he's not overly fond of dwarves."
Clarrei added, getting to her feet. At that, Fili and Kili looked at her in shock.
"And you brought us here?"
"Boys, it will be alright. I'm an old friend of Beorn's, he's a good man."
Actually, I must tell you that Fili and Kili had begun to refer to the young dragon as "Auntie", something that had nearly brought her to tears the first time she heard it.
"He's leaving." Ori chirped from where he peered through a crack in the door. Dori, ever the mother hen, immediately pulled him away, hissing:
"Get away from there! It's not natural. It's obvious. He's under some dark spell." He said, glaring accusingly at the grey wizard, as if it was he who had cast said enchantment.
"Do not fret, Dori. He is under no enchantment but his own." Defended Gandalf, dusting off his robe. "Everyone settle down for the night. We shall be safe here. I hope." He added, so quietly only Clarrei could hear him.


Thorin swatted away one of the bird-sized bumblebees that buzzed around his head as he lay in the straw littering the floor of Beorn's home. He wrapped his coat further around himself as the chill crept into his bones. He would give anything to be in Erebor's warm halls, or his own room with the large fireplace. A little chattering of teeth nearby made him look across to where Clarrei lay shivering. Looking around himself, he shifted across before wrapping his arms around Clarrei's waist and pulling her against his chest. She squirmed, squeaking:
"Thorin? What are you-"
"Ssh." He said quietly. "You were cold, Ghivashel. I don't want you getting sick."
He smiled to himself as Clarrei shifted around and nuzzles into his chest.
"Excuses." She muttered into his armour.
"Perhaps." Thorin mumbled as he planted a kiss into her soft hair. "But you never said it didn't work."
Under cover of darkness, Clarrei smiled to herself and burrowed closer to the warmth of Thorin's coat, slipping deeper into the gentle waves of sleep.


"Ssh! Don't wake them up!"
"Then why are you yelling!"
"I'm not yelling, Fee, I'm just saying-"
"Lads! Shut it! They're waking up!"
Clarrei blinked in the sudden light, screwing up her face as her eyes hurt. As her eyes came into focus, she was met with three grinning faces. Fili and Kili were smiling like idiots, and Dwalin was chuckling to himself. The warm bed she lay on suddenly shifted under her, and Clarrei blushed as she realised the comfortable bed was Thorin.
"Sleep well, Auntie?" Kili asked, with a barely contained laugh. Clarrei sat up, her face flushing bright red. She heard a deep laugh next to her, and she looked down to see Thorin smiling peacefully up at her.
"The boy asked you a question." He said smugly, raising an eyebrow. Clarrei's eyes widened, and she squeaked indignantly.
"You started it!"
"You didn't fight."
"Are they up yet?" Asked Bilbo from the large dining room. Clarrei leapt to her feet, dusting herself off and clearing her throat.
Thorin also got to his feet, giving Clarrei a kiss on her cheek before following the others into the dining room. A small smile crept into Clarrei's face as she walked in. Her smile grew even wider as she saw the tall bearded man who stood by the table.
"Beorn, you old bear, how are you!" She said, clapping him on the elbow, which was the highest she could reach on the shape-changer. He smiled back, ruffling the dragon's flame-coloured hair.
"Never better, Scales. You're looking well, my friend."
Clarrei beamed, taking Thorin's hand as she sat next to him.
"Well, I too have had a stroke of luck."
Beorn smiled heartily as he saw the two of them.
"You found your soulmate, then? Congratulations, Clarrei." He whistled, summoning a sheep from another room, who was carrying a water jug. Clarrei giggled as Thorin nearly jumped out of his seat as the animal poured him a tankard of water. The house trembled slightly as Beorn leant heavily against the doorframe.
"Now then." He said, suddenly narrowing his eyes at the Company. "You are the one called Oakenshield?" He asked, looking to Thorin. "Why does Azog the Defiler hunt you?"

Well, I'm gonna leave it there for now! Can't wait to write more for you guys, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thought I'd add in a little fluffy Tharrei moment there, so I hope I tickled your feels! ;-) I also thought it'd be a good idea to make it that Clarrei and Beorn had met, just cause they're both quite old, cause she's like sixty, so I thought it would be a nice touch, you like? I'll definitely be posting more soon, so keep watching and waiting, my fellow hobbits! Xoxo

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