An angel in disguise

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Thorin was exasperated. He had finally found the hobbit's home after losing his way... Twice... And now he discovered that they had to wait for the last member that the wizard had neglected to inform him was coming. Whoever he was, he better have a damn good excuse for being late. As though Gandalf sensed his annoyance, he turned to Thorin and said, confidently:
"I'm sure Clarrei will be here soon, Thorin."
"Clarrei?" Remarked Bofur. "Odd name for a bloke."
The wizard laughed.
"That Bofur, is because Clarrei is a woman."
There was silence around the table. Even Mr. Baggins seemed to notice what was wrong with the wizard's words.
"A woman?" Thorin growled. His growl was taken up by the rest of the Company.
"Far too dangerous for a woman to come." Said Dwalin.
"She'd get eaten alive by Smaug as soon as she'd set foot near the Mountain!" That was Gloin.
"He's gone mad. He really has." And Dori, ever stating the obvious, snorted Thorin.
"Gandalf, you cannot possibly think that I am bringing a defenceless woman on this quest."
At that, the wizard hid an odd little smile.
"Oh, don't worry, Thorin, I think you'll find Clarrei can take care of herself. And the rest of you," he added, "she is a travelling healer."

While they waited, Thorin tried to picture what this Clarrei would look like. Perhaps an older woman, one of the race of Men? Another dwarf perhaps? He pictured someone who had seen many battles, perhaps several scars on her face. Yes, that seemed to fit. A sudden knock at the door made them all look up. Baggins got to his feet with a sigh and went to answer. As silence filled the room, the only sound was Fili asking Kili:
"Reckon she'll be a beauty, then?"
"Wouldn't bet on it. Most healer women are long in the tooth and grey of the hair."
They could hear a women's voice at the door, and the hobbit's, stammering and nervous. Maybe she was intimidating, then, Thorin thought to himself. The voices grew closer, and Baggins came through, red in the face and flustered. A second later, Thorin saw why. He had been expecting an old crone, not the angel that followed the hobbit. Her skin was ivory-white, her cheekbones high and pronounced. She was shorter than he, but held herself tall. She had a slim, strong build, but was elegant all the same. Her lips would shame the reddest rose, and her eyes...Those eyes! They would haunt his dreams for many years later. They were a deep ocean-blue, silver swirls breaking the bottomless fathoms. A faint golden line ringed each pupil, like flames on the water. Her hair bewitched him. It seemed to change colour in the light. When she first came in, it was flame-red, but when it caught the firelight, there were streaks of gold cutting through the fire. And when she turned and saw him, the fire set behind her head turned the outline white. Thorin knew he was staring, and he was sure his jaw was open, but he didn't care. All that mattered was her.
Clarrei was taken aback by the dwarf who sat in front of her. He was handsome, so handsome it could break her heart. He had long black hair, streaked with silver, matching his short, bushy beard. His eyes were a piercing blue, like ice. His mouth was open, and he looked like a startled fish, but that did not detract from his looks at all. Somehow, it felt as though the world had faded away, and it was just the two of them in inky-blackness. Clarrei could have stood there for eternity, but Gandalf started speaking, breaking whatever spell had held her there.
"Clarrei, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield."
So this was the prince. Thorin. The name suited him, strong and proud as the mountain that was his home. Thorin was still staring at her in shock, before the bald-headed dwarf who sat by his side leaned over and closed his mouth.
"You're catching flies, my friend." He said, smiling. Thorin stood up quickly, blushing a bright red and stammering:
"I-I'm sorry, my lady, I-I-I was"
Clarrei tried giving him a comforting smile, which only deepened his blush more. The white-haired dwarf on his other side then spoke up:
"Wait, I remember you. You saved my brother's life! Balin, son of Fundin, remember?"
Clarrei suddenly did remember, and beamed brightly.
"Of course! Balin and Dwalin! It's good to see you again, my friend." She said, shaking the old dwarf's hand. He suddenly looked confused.
"But how? That was near 10 years ago. You look no younger than that day."
Clarrei used the same story she had used whenever she met an old acquaintance.
"Oh, my father was an Elf, and my mother was of the race of Men." Seeing the dwarves uneasy looks, she explained:
"But don't worry. There is no love between myself and my father."
Half-elf. That had to explain her unearthly beauty. Thorin was still recovering from her dazzling smile. She joined them at the table, taking a seat provided by the still blushing Mr. Baggins. She was sitting next to Thorin. Mahal help him, he couldn't stop blushing like an inexperienced boy. He tried not to let her distract him, but it didn't help that her sweet scent of flowers was swamping his senses. Gandalf made introductions, before tugging a map from his pocket.
"Now then," he said, "to business."

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