Prince of Mirkwood

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Her head was pounding as she slowly opened her eyes. Clarrei was startled to see a thin film of what looked like white cotton in front of her eyes. And judging from the feeling her head had, she was upside down. Great. Just perfect. Clarrei tried to kick out her legs, but the same white cotton, which, as she remembered the previous events, she realised must have been spider's webs, were keeping her legs and arms stuck fast. Clarrei also remembered trying to attack the creatures with fore, but it had failed. Where were her powers? A feeling of panic rose in her stomach. They couldn't have left her, surely? Well, she'd have to find another way out then. Clarrei started to kick her legs, thrash her arms, but a sudden clicking made her freeze. She could then feel the strange white cotton prison she was in turning, and she had the strange sensation of being poked and prodded. As she began to squint through what she realised with a jolt of terror was a web, Clarrei saw four eyes in a horrendous hairy face peering through at her. Her breath started to quicken, and she tried to clamp her arms and legs to her body, staying as still as possible. She squeezed her eyes shut as the giant spider opened its pincer-like mouth and moved closer, the smell of death and decay flooding her senses. But a voice calling out through the woods suddenly lifted her spirits.
"Hey! Over here! Attercop, Attercop, don't you stop!"
At that, Clarrei's eyes snapped open. Bilbo! She tried to squint, see where her friend was, but she could barely see as it was. to her relief, the spider started to move towards the noise, followed by a few hairy comrades. Clarrei sighed. Now, how to get out? She tried to move, realising when she started to spin that she was dangling upside down. She was so focused on trying to escape, so obviously, when a small, familiar sword started to slice into her web prison, she nearly leapt out of her skin. She grinned widely as she spotted Bilbo as he peeled the webs away from her.
"Bilbo!" She whispered, hugging her friend tightly. Bilbo returned the hug, before pointing towards the ground, where the rest of the Company stood looking up at them.
"Go, go, go!" Bilbo whispered, running back along the branch before vanishing, quite literally, into thin air. Clarrei blinked in astonishment, before a screech from their captors kicked her back into motion, making her suddenly leap from the branch she stood on.


Thorin saw her tumble from the branch high above, and raced forward, catching her gently in his arms. She smiled at him and planted a chaste kiss to his lips before leaping out of his arms and sprinting through the clearing, unsheathing her sword. Thorin smiled, before the first spider leapt down from the branches and screeched at the dwarves. With roars that were reminiscent of the battle of Moria, Dwalin, Balin and Thorin raised their weapons and charged, hacking and slashing the beast as it lurched gracelessly across the forest floor. Thorin narrowly avoided the beast's fangs as he ran to help Bombur, who had been pushed over by one of the beasts, who now swarmed the space.
He whipped around as he heard Clarrei yell out in frustration. She was throwing her hand out at one of the spiders, but to no avail. Thorin severed the creature's head from behind , before grabbing Clarrei's arm.
"What were you thinking?" He roared.
She just stared blankly at him, something missing from her eyes.
"Clarrei?" Thorin asked, fear flooding his mind. What was wrong with her?
"They're gone..." Was the only thing she whispered before Thorin's attention was diverted by a sudden battle-cry.
He looked up, his mouth falling open in surprise when he spotted a slim shape spinning down one of the many spider webs hanging from the trees around them. Long, silver-blonde hair swirled elegantly as a tall Elf pulled a bow and arrow from the quiver strapped to his back and began shooting left, right and centre, hitting bullseyes with every mark. A tawny-haired She-Elf leapt to Kili's defence as he lay pinned under one of the monsters, before seizing the starry-eyed dwarf and pushing him towards the now rounded-up Company. The tall blonde Elf from before pointed his arrow in Thorin's face.
"Do not think I will not kill you, dwarf." He hissed. "It would be my pleasure."


Clarrei scowled in silence at their captors as she was disarmed. They even found the hairpins that were secretly daggers that not even the Company had known about. Her frown deepened as the Captain took Ocrist from Thorin's weapon belt and admired the sword blade in the little light that filtered through the trees.
"Forged by my ancestors in Gondolin." He said in Sindarin, clearly believing none could understand what he was saying.
"And owned by the King Under the Mountain." Clarrei growled back in the Elven language, her eyes flashing. Their captives blinked at her in astonishment.
"You speak Sindarin?" Asked the blonde Elf, raising an eyebrow. The young dragon raised her chin defiantly as her hands were tied behind her back.
"Problem?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. The Elf looked at her in curiosity, before shaking his head and sheathing the sword. He nodded to the other Elves, who grabbed the rest of the Company and began to jostle them through the forest. And all the while, though her mind did jump to a panic when she realised Bilbo was still missing, Clarrei kept her head up and eyes forward.

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