The Gold of the Dwarves

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Clarrei stared at Thorin in astonishment as he gently set her down, never breaking eye contact.
Thorin gently took her hands before speaking again.
"I know this isn't a good time to be asking this, and I would have rather asked you this after we had reclaimed the Mountain, but truth be told, love, I don't know if we'll make it out of this alive, so I figure, why not ask you? Clarrei, will you marry me?"
Clarrei blinked at the dwarf in front of her, who looked at her with such love and hope in his eyes, and she felt her face break into a smile, before she kissed him with everything she had.
"I'll take that as a yes?" Thorin said, smiling. Clarrei nodded, nearly crying with happiness.
"Yes. Yes, I will marry you, Thorin Oakenshield."
The dwarf and the dragon shared another kiss, before Clarrei broke away and looked down at the great dwarf-shaped mould they stood on.
"Now." She said, putting her hands on her hips and raising an eyebrow jokingly. "Would you mind telling me the plan, if it's not too much trouble?"


Bilbo sprinted as fast as he could from the oncoming dragon, feeling his chest burning with exertion. He pushed the damp curls from his sweaty forehead as he spotted the small doorway that led to another room of the castle, and he felt a huge wave of relief as he felt a slight breeze of cooler air. It wasn't particularly fresh, by it was something, he thought as he ran into the dark throne room. His footsteps and breaths echoed off the great walls, and his relief was short-lived as Smaug burst through the wall into his supposed hiding place. The great tapestry plunged from the crumbling stone and landed heavily on Bilbo, shielding him from his pursuer. The little hobbit lay shaking under the embroidered tapestry, his heart pounding like a drum as he listened to Smaug's claws clacking on the stone floor, his great voice booming in his ears.
"You think you can deceive me, Barrel-Rider?" The dragon demanded, his fiery eyes scanning the seemingly empty room. "You have come from Lake-Town," he said, as more of a statement than a question. "This is some sordid scheme hatched between these filthy dwarves and those miserable tub-trading Lakemen!" He muttered to himself, sounding quite mad. Bilbo felt horror settle into his chest as he listened to the beast.
"Those snivelling cowards!" Smaug raged. "With their longbows, and their Black Arrows! Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit." He hissed, moving towards the entrance way to the Mountain. Bilbo peered out from his hiding place, his jaw falling open as his thoughts turned to Bard, Bain, Sigrid and Tilda. No, he couldn't! They'd be burned alive!
"Oh, no." He whispered, before revealing himself to Smaug.
"This isn't their fault!" He protested loudly. "Wait! You cannot go to Lake-Town!"
At that, the dragon froze, before turning his great orange eyes to the hobbit.
"You care about them, do you?" He asked snidely, looking into the burglar's pale face. "Good. Then you can watch them die." And he strode away, growling low in his throat at the thought of the oncoming slaughter. But he froze when a voice he thought to never hear again called:
"Here! You witless worm!"


Thorin stood his ground as Smaug turned to face them.
"You." He hissed, his eyes finding his daughter standing next to the dwarf. "I thought I finished you off."
"You'll find I'm harder to get rid of than you think." Said Clarrei defiantly, grasping Thorin's hand to steady her shaking legs. She could seem strong to everyone, but Thorin could see the fear in his beloved's eyes.
"I am taking back what you stole." Thorin said slowly and deeply, his voice, though quieter than his opponents, still carrying across the throne room. Smaug came closer, his eyes narrowed, and when he spoke, his voice was filled with venom and spite.
"You will take nothing from me, dwarf." He spat with great relish. "I laid low your warriors of old. I instilled terror in the hearts of Men. I am King under the Mountain." He finished, staring Thorin dead in the face. It took all Thorin's willpower not to leap for the dragon's eyes now, but he stuck to the plan, instead focusing on the soft hand holding his, keeping his anger in check.
"This is not your kingdom." He replied, his grip on the rope that would trigger the mould he stood upon to collapse tightening. "These are dwarf lands. This is dwarf gold. And we will have our revenge." He said, bracing his arm to pull, as Smaug came ever closer. He yelled a curse in Khuzdul that would have made his mother slap him across the face had she been alive, before the Company behind the mould pulled away the hooks holding the mould sealed shut as he pulled the rope for the signal. He grabbed Clarrei to him as the chain whisked them away from the crumbling rocks, which moved to reveal a great mass of gleaming gold. Gold which formed the shape of Thorin's own grandfather, Thror. Smaug stared in fascination at the statue, Thorin and Clarrei hung onto the chain with baited breath as the seconds seemed to last a lifetime. Until the only recently-formed gold began to melt at a rapid pace, pouring into the throne room floor, which had formed a sort of pool, like a tidal wave. Smaug screeched as the boiling hot liquid covered him from his head to his claws, and he fell into the shining liquid with a cry of anguish and pain. Thorin felt a lightness come to his chest as he realised they had won. The Mountain was theirs. But that joy was short-lived, when Smaug burst from the molten gold, still roaring in agony as he sprinted for the exit.
"It burns!" He cried, his scales shimmering gold as the liquid began to pour off him. "It burns!"
And Thorin felt a great horror, guilt and uncertainty fill his very soul at his next words.
"I will show you revenge!"
Smaug burst through the doorway to Erebor, spreading his wings as he took to the sky, shaking off the last of the liquid gold. Bilbo sprinted out the door without a glance behind, his little face full of horror as he watched the dragon leave. And though Smaug was long gone, Thorin could still hear him as he made his ominous threat.
"I am fire. I am...death."
Clarrei pressed her face into Thorin's shoulder, shaking as the enormity of what had happened sunk in. She looked up at Thorin, hopelessness in her shimmering eyes.
"What have we done?" She whispered.

A.N.// Aaaaannnddd we've made it to the end of Desolation of Smaug! Next up, the Battle of the Five Armies, and I promise in that, there will be tears and feels, and y'all gonna need some tissues, seriously. I cried thinking some of it up. GET THE DAMN TISSUES. Got em? Good, keep them there. Hope you enjoyed this chapter guys, and I'll see you soon, my hobbits! 💘🐉🌹
~ Luna

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