Heal what has been Hurt

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"Ada, enough."
Clarrei tried to keep her breathing steady but short to save breath. She looked up, her vision blurring, the only truly visible thing a cloud of blonde hair blocking her way.
"This isn't our way."
Was that...the Captain of the guard? Why would he help her?
"Legolas, she is hiding the truth from us, we need the secrets to that Mountain!"
Again, the Captain, who was actually the prince as Clarrei had come to realise, blocked his father's path.
"Perhaps, though I sense she is telling the truth."
Clarrei tensed and whimpered as she felt someone release the bonds that held her to the chair, before gently scooping her up into a strong pair of arms.
"Take me to Oakenshield's cell." He ordered the two other present guards. Through her pain and tears, Clarrei managed a small smile. She was finally going to be safe.


It was far too quiet for Thorin's liking. Clarrei's screams had stopped, which should have made him feel better, but the echoing silence only made him more anxious. He paced back and forth in his cell, wringing his hands and tugging at his braids. Sudden light footsteps made him freeze and look up. The Prince strode carefully down the stairs, holding a limp form in his arms. A limp form with red hair.
"Clarrei?!" Thorin choked, his heart shattering. Not her, anyone but her, she couldn't be...
"She's not dead, Oakenshield," Legolas of Mirkwood said as he entered the cell and laying the dragon on the ground. "At least, not yet. But she will die without medical care."
Thorin fell to his knees by Clarrei's side, and gently brushed loose strands of hair away from her face.
"Mahal above, what did he do to her?" He whispered, taking in her injuries. Legolas cleared his throat, avoiding the dwarf's gaze.
"Torture." Was all he said. "She refused to tell him anything."
Thorin gave a watery smile as Clarrei stirred.
"That's her to the end. Stubborn." He chuckled, tears leaking from his eyes. The prince's mouth twitched before turning to the guards outside the cell and barking an order in Sindarin. Carefully, Thorin lifted Clarrei into his arms, gently cradling her against his chest. Her eyelashes fluttered slightly as she breathed. His hands shaking, Thorin gently brushed his hands down her sides and prodded her ribs. Clarrei whimpered in her sleep. Broken then. There was blood trailing from her mouth, and as Thorin reached up to brush it away, her eyes snapped open and her breathing hitched.
"Thorin-help-me-" she choked as she coughed more blood. Fear squeezed his stomach as his beloved began to buck and kick in his arms.
"Ssh, ssh, Istanbul, it's alright." He sobbed, holding Clarrei close as she went through what he realised were her death throes. The blood was choking her from inside her body. He kissed her forehead, and rocked her back and forth.
"Get her help!" He called, his eyes desperate. When Legolas shook his head with regret in his eyes, Thorin began to sing to Clarrei to calm her, though her movements were growing steadily weaker.
"Imbali glēm futhi ukuvutha , ake amandla akho bukhanye , wenze reversè iwashi , abuyise lokho kanye kwaba emayini . Sokuphola lokho okuye ubuhlungu , ukushintsha ice bath bengazilawulela khona isigcino , ugcine lokho yalahleka , abuyise lokho kanye wawungowami , yini eyake yaba emayini ."
As he sang, he felt Clarrei's struggles grow weaker until they stopped. Thorin froze, his voice trailing off before he broke. He buried his face in her blood-matted flame-red hair, breathing in her scent of lavender, his shoulder shaking as he let himself cry. Suddenly it didn't matter that an Elf was in the room, all that mattered was that his dragon, his love, his Clarrei was lying still and broken in his arms. A hand rested on his shoulders, making him look up. The Prince watched him with eyes filled with guilt.
"I'm sorry." He said, his forehead creasing in frustration. "If I'd stepped in sooner, she-"
He gasped when Clarrei began to suddenly grow much warmer. Thorin stared at the body in astonishment as it began to glow gold, and he felt her ribs shifting and cracking as they reset. And all too soon, the golden glow faded and Clarrei's eyes opened once more, as she took a deep breath.


She felt dazed, confused. As though she had just come up from swimming for too long. Her face and arm still throbbed, though her ribs had stopped hurting. And she was also confused why Thorin was staring at her in astonishment with tear-tracks down his face.
"Thorin? What happened?"
He stared at her blankly for a few more minutes.
"You were dead." He choked, pulling her closer to his chest. "I thought I lost you."
Clarrei took a sharp breath as she spotted a guard walking into the cell with medicine, bandages and water.
"How did you..."
Clarrei looked up to see Legolas staring at her in shock. She gave a weak smile as she realised what had happened.
"It's an ability all dragons possess. It's something that cannot be suppressed by any enchantments. A dragon can bring themselves back from the brink of death." She finished, smiling as she nestled herself into Thorin's shoulder.
"Thank Mahal." The dwarf prince whispered, repeatedly planting kisses in Clarrei's hair. He then looked Clarrei straight in the face and gently kisses her on the lips.
"Never do that to me again." He said, breaking into a watery smile. The smile was returned, but quickly became a hiss of pain as the Elf guard began to clean her injuries. Thorin growled at said guard, snatching the towel off him.
"I'll take care of that, thank you very much." The Elf backed away, his eyes wide at the rage in Thorin's voice. Legolas watched the pair for a while longer before standing and leaving the cell, locking the door behind.
"I am sorry, for...everything."
Clarrei merely nodded, and the blonde Captain left. Thorin smiled at her before gently dabbing at the wounds on her face.
"Is it bad?" Clarrei asked suddenly. Thorin froze. He didn't want to lie, but he didn't want to upset his beloved.
"Thorin, let me see them." Clarrei said, her voice almost a whisper. Sighing, Thorin picked up the small mirror that had been left and handed it to the dragon with shaking hands. Taking a deep breath, Clarrei looked in the mirror and promptly dropped it with a small cry of horror. Her once smooth skin was lined with deep, hideous ruts, one carving round from her temple to her jawbone, while another started at her cheekbone and ended at the juncture of her throat. There was a line over the bridge of her nose, and as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes, she saw her arm. On the left was a message in Elvish. The message read in Sindarin: Monster. And as she read that word, Clarrei finally broke. She let herself burst into tears as she slumped against Thorin's chest, let him rock her back and forth. She didn't fight him as he finished cleaning the wounds, let him apply ointment and bandage her arm. Her face was harder to work with, but eventually the white strips covered the marks. Later, another guard came by with food for the two of them, and Clarrei ate, though she was subdued through the meal. And as she lay on Thorin's chest that night, struggling to sleep comfortably, he gently stroked her hair, kissed the scar wound on her arm and whispered:
"You're still beautiful to me."

A.N. LET THERE BE THARREI FEELS!!!! 😢😢😢 hope you enjoyed this one, thought it'd be nice to have a fluffy chapter after last time 😊 how cute is Thorin tho??!! Hopefully see you all soon, my hobbits 💗

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