the interview

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Mr.Tibbles gave us a bag with clothes. A tracksuit, sweatpants and sweatshirts, a t-shirt and shorts. All in the colors of USA, blue, red and white. I put on my tracksuit and white air force and left with Adam.

When we got there, Tibbles set us all in place for the interview. I stood between Adam and Luis. The interviewers asked a few questions like if we think we got a chance to win and what we think about all of this. And then, we came to the more personal questions.

"Are there any couples on the team?" a nice looking lady asked.

Coach turned to us and smiled to me and Adam and Connie and Guy.

"We have Connie and Guy right there." he pointed to them. "And then we have Kiara and Adam. They're cute, aren't they?" I blushed and looked at Adam who swung his arm around my shoulder.

Another lady stood up "coach Bombay, the Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favorite, their coached already guaranteed victory. How are you gonna handle them?"

"Uhm. Hard work, I think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world." Coach answered. "We're not worried about them. Iceland maybe tough but we're team USA and we're going all the way."

"Team USA is going down, that's where they're going." a scary looking man said. We all looked at him in disgust. "See you on the ice Bombay." he continued.

"That's Stansson, coach of the Iceland team." tibbles explained.

"Stansson from the NHL, Wolf the dentist Stansson is coaching? You didn't tell me that!"

"That guy is a dentist?" Kenny asked while looking at Stansson and the team.

Charlie shook his head "no that was his nickname. He played one year pro, got more teeth than goals. He even punched down his own coach."

"I heard they ran him out of the league and the country." I heard Julie say.

"Whatever, he's just a creep." I added.

"That's his team? Those guys are huge!"

"Come on Kenny its gonna be okay." I said putting my arm around his shoulder and took I Adams hand.

We got back to the hotel and I was really tired so I laid in bed. I watched a movie with Adam before I feel asleep in his arms.

I woke up in the middle of the night, very nauseous. O god. I ran to the bathroom and puked. I kinda had a fear for puking. Adam heard and ran to me.

"Are you okay? Need anything?" he asked, sitting down next to me and rubbing his hand on my back.

" I don't know, I just feel awful." I reacted, placing my head on his shoulder.

I got back in bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, I still felt awful. Adam got Ms.Mckay so she could check on me.

"Hey honey. Are you okay?" She asked with a sweet tone.

"Not really." I said as she sat next to me checking my temperature.

"You have a fever."


"Just stay here today okay?" Ms.Mckay.

I laid back down sweaty and feeling really awful.

The rest of the day flew by. Charlie and Kenny visited me and we watched a movie and talked a little. Then Julie and Connie came over and told me they had a fight with Sophia over the boys. They told me that Sophia is going to 'steal' Adam from me. I tried not to think about it that much because Adam told me nothing was going on and I trusted him.

I was really bored and hungry so I decided to get some food and stretch my legs. I got up and tied my black converse. I wore black nike pros with a hoodie I stole from Adam.

When I walked out of my room, I saw coach and Ms.Mckay.

"Hey Kiara. Doing better?" coach asked.

"Yeah much. I'm gonna go for a walk to stretch my legs."

I smiled at them before waking out of the hotel. I walked over to the beach. I just wanted to clear my head and everything. That's when I saw Adam and Sophia. They were pretty close to each other but I stayed calm, until....

I made eye contact with Sophia. She leaned in and kissed him! My boyfriend! I just stood there and didn't know what to do, tears streaming down my face. I watched as he pulled away from her. He looked my direction so I ran away. He just kissed the girl he told me not to worry about.

I walked back to the hotel, crying my eyes out. Someone bumped into me. I looked up and saw Dean with Fulton.

"Omg Ki are you okay?" Fulton asked.

I couldn't answer because I was crying and was outta breath so I just hugged him. They walked me back to the hotel and I explained what happened.

"So, you know Sophia right?" they both nodded.

"Well that time at the pool she already was really close to Adam and stuff and at that time I was just jealous, but he told me not to worry about anything because nothing was going on between them. Well this afternoon, Julie and Connie came over and told me that they had a fight with Sophia and Sophia told them that she was going to steal Adam from me. And again, I didn't think anything about it because he said not to worry. But when I walked on the beach to clear my head, I saw them kissing." I let out a sigh of sadness.

The big boys both hugged me. "Yeah i'm gonna kill him."

I let out a laugh. "Don't. I'll talk to him. If he doesn't admit it then I'll tell him I saw everything."

"Of course. Wanna come over to our place?"

"Of course boys. Go, I'll be there soon."

I changed into black sweatpants and a white cropped t shirt before walking to Dean and Fulton. Adam still hasn't come to the room. I wondered where he was.

"Wanna have a karaoke?" Fulton said smirking.

I grabbed a stick and sang along to a song.

I think we were loud because the whole team stood in the doorway.

Adams pov:
I came to the hotel room to look for Kiara but she wasn't there. I walked out of the room, hearing music blasting through the hallway. The whole team stood in front of Dean and Fulton their room. When i came there, I saw Kiara, Dean and Fulton having a karaoke. They jumped on the beds and screamed to the song. Kiara was kinda hot but I didn't like it at all. Of course I trusted her but she was in a room with 2 boys. Now that i think about it, it isn't fair from me to think that. I just kissed Sophia. Should I tell Ki?

The song was over so I walked out of the room. Most of the guys were gone except for Adam, Julie, Connie, Charlie and Dwayne. Dwayne his whole face was covered with shaving cream. Must have been a stupid prank. I walked over to Adam.

"Uhmm i'm gonna sleep at Connie and Julie's room tonight. Maybe Charlie and Guy can sleep in out room with you." I said to him awkwardly. I wasn't ready to confront him with it so I decided to keep quiet.

"Uhmmm okay... Why?" He asked looking confused.

"Just a girls night you know." I replied giving him a small smile. I wasn't ready to confront him yet.

I walked away and he gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

"I love you." he whispers.

What the hell? He just kissed another girl. He didn't love me. If he loved me, he would have never kissed her.

I walked away with Connie and Julie.

"What the hell was that about?" Julie asked when we got to their room.

I felt tears forming in my eyes and couldn't keep them in.

"I saw him kissing Sophia." I broke down.

"Oh that bitch. I'm literally gonna kill her." Connie said.

Team USA love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now