the new ducks

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I got up early because today we are going to meet the new ducks. I packed my bag and my jersey. I wore grey sweatpants with a blue sweater and white airforce ones. Adam knocked on the door. "Hey cutie. Ready to go?"

We got to the rink and saw the ducks and the new kids already on the ice so we joined.

"Tell me about my new kids." Coach said.

"That's Luis Mendoza, he's from our Miami club. A real speedster, incredible skater. 1.9 seconds blue line to blue line. "

The boy showed some tricks and Tibbles was right, he was really fast.

"Good looking skater." Connie said.

"Very good looking. What do you think Guy?"

"Shut up Averman." Guy pushed him to the ground.

"There's one minor problem." Luis smashed into the boards. "He has a little trouble stopping."

Luis got up. "I almost had it that time." the new ducks helped him stand.

"Yeehaw! How's everyone? Y'all ready to play some puck?"

"That's Dwayne Robertson from Austin. He's the best puck handler I've ever seen."

"You mean for his age?"

"No I don't." Tibbles commented.

"Hey this is easier than roping cows."  Dwayne did some incredible tricks.

"That's Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney. She won the state championship for Maine three years in a row."

"But we have a goalie, Goldberg." coach looked at Goldberg who was showing off.

"Watch this." Tibbles said with a smirk.

Everyone got to shoot on the goal and non of them went in. She was pretty good!

Coach was impressed "hm we could use a backup."

A little boy skated to us. "Isn't that the kid from the olympics, figure skating?"

"Yep Ken Wu, what can I say? I convinced him that hockey had more of a future. We put a stick in his hands, nobody's been able to touch him."

I looked at Kenny, he was so cute.

We heard music so we turned to see a really big guy, bigger than Fulton.

"That guy is a teenager?!" Bombay looked with big eyes.

The boy started singing. "Don't you know that everything's on fire"

He pushed Adam and Charlie out of the way. Adam luckily still stands but Charlie was on the ice.

"Uh yeah hormones." Tibbles said.

"He's a goon!" Bombay looked at the boy.

He came up to me. "Come on babe, sing it with me!" I shake my head and looked at Adam confused.

"My kids don't play that kind of hockey."

"I believe they're called enforcers, Gordon. And when you play Iceland, you're gonna need him."

He picked up Ken and set him on the goal.

"Who does this guy think he is?" Fulton said. 

Goldberg came out of his goal "alright that's it!"

Everybody started to yell at each other. I didn't want to be involved so I skated to coach and Tibbles.

coach blew his whistle "everybody freeze."
The team all turned to see coach.

"Now we didn't come here to fight, we came here to play hockey. We're team USA, you represent your country!"

"That's right!" Tibbles quoted. Bombay looked at him and he looked down.

"And I want you-"

"To be all you can be right. You gotta raise yourself up guys." coach looked at him again with an annoyed face.

"All right now let's start with the scrimmage!"

"Great, scrimmage." Tibbles said blowing his whistle. "Hey you don't need me here. I've got an appointment anyway, i've gotta see Ms. Mckay, she's the team tutor."

He was about to walk away "Don." Bombay said. Tibbles knew what he wanted, the whistle. "You'll get it back at the end of the school term." We all started laughing at coach's joke.

"Alright ducks, show them what you got. Let's scrimmage!" Jesse and Dwayne took the face off. Dwayne got the puck but got taken down by Adam. Now Luis got the puck. He was skating to the goal but couldn't stop. "Goldberg, look out!" Luis crashed into Goldberg.
"Thanks for braking my fall." Luis said.

Goldberg stood up. "Anytime."

Adam got the puck and skated towards Julie, but got pushed to the ice by Dean. Jesse had a chance to score but Julie had a fast glove.

"Good catch!" I said to her.

"Thanks Kiara." she smiled.

Averman skated to coach. "Haven't you been training in the off season?"

"You know, I knew we forgot something."

Adam got the puck and scored.

After a lot of falling and standing up, Fulton got the puck and as we know, Fulton can shoot really hard.

"Look out its Fulton!"  Al the 'old ducks' got out of his way but the new ducks were still standing, looking confused.

"What a bunch of wussy's!" Dean said

Fulton shot the puck on the pole of the goal. The puck bounced to the side right where Tibbles and a lady were walking. The puck got to Tibbles head and he passed out. We all runned to him to see if he's okay.

"Hello Mr. Tibbles. Mr.Tibbles can you hear me? Wake up." He woke up. "Oh Mr. Tibbles, are you alright?" The lady asked.

"Oh I- I have the cheeseburger, fries and chocolate shake please." He answered.

The lady turned to us. "I think he'll be okay. We'll keep an eye on him. Oh I'm sorry, he didn't have a chance to introduce us. I'm Michelle Mckay, their tutor." She shakes Bombays hand. "I'm coach Bombay, their coach."

"Who said we need a tutor?" Adam asked. I nudged him and laughed.

"I don't need no school." Dean commented.

Goldberg swung an arm around Ms. Mckay. "Ah Ms. Mckay, we're America's team here. Shouldn't we just be concentrating on hockey? May I suggest optional attendance." 

"Well that's not a bad idea-" Ms. MacKay said.

"Call me Goldberg."

"Goldberg, yes, school will be optional." Everyone started cheering and yelling.

"However! However, should you not attend you will not be eligible to play."

We talked for a little before going to the locker rooms.

I walked over to Adam, who was just done showering. He only had an towel around his waist.

"Hey, want to come over to my place?" I asked.

"Of course but I have to pack by bags." He said.

We had to pack our bags to got to Los Angeles.

"Me too. Maybe we can first go to your place, then mine?" I suggested.

"Great idea." he said, giving me a kiss. "Now get out, I'm going to change real quick."

Team USA love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now