rich boy

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The next morning we had class. Everyone was tired. I sat next to Adam and Julie. My head rested on Adams shoulder, having trouble to stay awake.

"Luis." Ms.Mckay kneeled down next to him.

He lifted his head up "Sorry".

"What happened? Why are y'all so tired." Ms.Mckay asked.

"Bombay happened." Guy said.

"Yeah he's captain blood now." I commented.

"We had to skate laps till 12 pm and Kiara even later." Kenny said.

"Oh no. Come on, go to your rooms. Class is canceled. I'm gonna talk to Bombay."

We all walked back to the hotels. I fell asleep for a little.

coach and Ms.Mckay
Bombay walked into the locker room but the team wasn't there "Alright let's go! Team?" He looked around. "Hello?"

"I canceled their practice." Ms.Mckay said.

"What are you talking about? Where are they?" Bombay asked confused.

"They needed a day off, trust me."

"I need them here to practice." Bombay scoffed.

"Well they need to rest! You've been running those children ragged, they can barely stay awake in class and they're calling you captain blood."

"I am preparing these kids for battle. Can you understand that? We win the gold, we go on to bigger things."

"Bigger things?"

"That's right!"

"Please Gordon it's a game. You said it yourself, games should be fun remember?"

Back to the team.

Dean picked all of us up to go practice on a field.

"Coach isn't here, why do we have to be?" Connie asked.

"We have a game tonight we have to work out!" Dean reacted.

Goldberg stood up. "I say mutiny, who's with me?"

"Goldberg, I'm to tired to mutiny." Dwayne said.

"Come on guys it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning." I said.

"Speak for yourself babe!" Dean said, looking at me up and down.

"Her name is Kiara not babe!" Adam stood up.

"Don't tell me how to talk rich boy!" Dean said, pushing Adam. Everyone jumped in front of Adam.

"Hey Portman chill." Fulton said as he and Charlie held Dean back.

"Eyo team USA." We all turned around and saw the boy who made fun of us every game. "What are you gonna do today, a million jumping jacks?"

"This kid's crazier than me. Forget about him. Look Fulton-" Dean said.

Jesse still looked at the boy. "Hey I'm getting sick of you!"

"And I'm getting sick of seeing that the USA is represented by a bunch of whining baby's." The boy skated towards us.

"Well too bad you can't back up that mouth." Jesse said angry.

"Man me and my boys can take you anytime, anywhere." The boy said.

"I don't see no boys." Jesse reacted.

"I got them waiting. Grab your gear and let's go play some schoolyard puck. Or maybe you forgot what it's like to play for real pride."

A man came up behind him. "You got a pass?"

"Come on it's not to far you little wimps." The man grabbed him. "Hey what your doing? Get off me!"

We skated after him and I got a little chat with the boy.

"So what's your name?" I asked.

"Russ, Russ Tyler! And you're Kiara Kane huh?"

"Yes that's me!"

We arrived at the place his 'boys' were waiting. They were all big scary boys, like Fulton and Dean.

"My little brother Russ here has been telling me that you guys have been chocking big time." One of the boys said.

"Well your brother's got a big mouth." Jesse said. We all gasped and looked scared at the boys.

"He does, doesn't he?" The boy said. "Anyways, we thought we'd call you to see what y'all got."

"Yeah we know you can talk to the press and sign autographs and stuff."

Luis stepped forward "We can do more than that."

"Oh yeah well we can teach you how to play like the real team USA."

"Yeah what would you know about it?" Dean asked.

The boys all smirked at each other and started to play. We got knocked to all the sides of the rink. Jesse scored. It was fun to see how these guys played. Until one of them knocked me to the ground. My bruise hurt so bad that I couldn't stand up.

Luis skated to me "What's wrong Ki?"

"Nothing just help me stand up please." he took my hands and pulled me up.

"Are you okay?" Adam skated next to me.

"Yeah I'm fine just play!" I said kinda annoyed.

Luis got the puck and scored but couldn't stop. He flew into the fence.

"Use the brakes babe." A boy said, helping him up.

Fulton got the puck and shoots but the puck flew trough the air and landed on a car.

"Ah I swear that happens all the time." Russ's brother said.

"Excuse me." Charlie yelled. "Can you throw it back please?"

The man threw back the puck and the game went on. Russ got the puck now and shooter it but in a way I have never seen someone shoot before.

Me and Fulton skated to Russ. "What the hell was that?" I asked.

"Oh you like that huh? That's my knocklepuck. It's hard to be accurate but it drives the goalies crazy." Russ said proud.

After a while of playing, our bus came to pick us up to bring us to the hotels. We had a game tonight so we had to rest a little.

Back in the hotel, I got showered and changed. I didn't know that Connie and Julie were there. I walked out in my bra and underwear.

"Omg Ki what happened to you?!" Julie looked at my bruise.

"Oh it's nothing..." I lied, hiding it.

"It's something! What happened?" Connie now asked.

I sighed. "Well I had to do laps with weights around my waist..." I looked down.

"So Bombay did that to you?" Julie swung her arm around my shoulder.

"Yes but don't tell anyone okay? Only Adam and you guys know. I don't want to make this a big deal."

"Yeah sure. We'll keep quiet."

Team USA love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now