USA v. s. Iceland #2

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Today was the Iceland game. I had mixed feelings about this game. I was excited but scared at the same time. I had a big mouth the last time I saw them so I know they aren't gonna go easy on me.

I woke up and did my whole morning routine before walking to the rink. Adam was at the hospital for his wrist. I hope he can play.

At the rink, I waited for Julie and Connie. When we walked in the locker room, the team was already there. I changed into my gear and talked to Charlie and Russ. And then, Adam walked in. My smile grew.

"Coach, I woke up and the pain was gone." Adam said while rotating his wrist. We all cheered.

"I'm sorry Adam but we already have a full roster..." coach responded.

Russ was going to take his gear off before Charlie stopped him. "He can have my spot." We all looked at Charlie. "It's what I can do for the team. Let me do it." I walked to the boys, wrapping my arms around their shoulders.

Coach spoke up. "Charlie, I need you on the bench coaching right there with me." Once again, we all cheered.

I hugged and kissed Adam. I was so happy he could play. And I was proud of Charlie for what he did. We only had 5 minutes before the game started. Nerves were rushing trough my body.

We walked to the ice. Adam took my hand and squeezed it. I looked at him and gave him a small smile.

On the ice we skated a circle, still holding hands with Adam while the crowd cheered and yelled.

Coach gave us a little pep-talk before we took our places. Adam was center so he took the face off. I was on his left and Dean on his right. The ref dropped the puck and the game started. Adam got knocked down and Iceland skated towards our goal. Luckily Goldberg stopped it. I took the puck and skated to the other goal but also got knocked down.

Eventually, Iceland skated towards our goal so I chased them but got knocked into the boards. They got to Goldberg who was taken down by Gunnar Stahl. They scored. 1-0. Goldberg was mad so he wanted to skate to Gunnar but Kenny and Dwayne stopped him.

"Line change!!" Bombay yelled. I skated to the box and sat down.

Now it was Russ his shot. All the Icelanders went for him. He wanted to do his famous knuckle puck but Iceland stole the puck. They skated towards Goldberg again and scored. 2-0.

Averman started stressing. "We can't make it! Iceland is bigger, stronger, their faster and they have facial hair!"

"Stay calm Averman. We're only two points behind." I answered.

My attention went back to the game. Iceland was crushing us. Everyone got checked into the boards or knocked down.

Coach spoke up. "Banks! You're on!"

Adam stood up and hopped on the ice. "Hey Adam. Be careful out there." I added. He smiled and took the spot.

Adam got the puck and skated towards the Iceland goalie but Gunnar was hitting Adam's wrist with his stick. He got knocked down. That's it! I hopped on the ice, skating to Gunnar. "Wtf is your problem dude?!" I argued. The ref grabbed my arm and took me to the penalty box. I was furious at this point, until I saw my mom and dad in the stands. My smile grew.

I turned back to the game Adam sat in the box resting. After 2 minutes, I got back on the ice. Dwayne was fooling around with the puck and got knocked down.

Iceland skated to Goldberg again. Luis and me chased the guy but couldn't stop him. Instead of stopping him, we knocked him down and we glided into the goal. 3-0. I got up dizzy. Every part of my body was hurting. Iceland was hurting everyone. We can't win if they're keep playing like this.

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