you are not okay

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Coach wanted to talk to all of us so we gathered around him. He held a cardboard cutout of himself.

"This is a distraction." coach spoke up. He lid a lucifer on and threw it in a barrel. "This is a fire in a barrel." He folded the cutout and threw it in the fire. "This is a distraction in a fire in a barrel. Any questions?" We all clapped our hands.

"Now come on." Coach continued, "We have practice. We're going to focus on our game against Iceland." We all stood up and walked to the ice.

Luis mostly focused on stopping.

We all shot pucks at Julie and Goldberg and after that, we went to the gym and did some workouts.

We were back at the locker room and all changed. First the girls showered, then the boys. We were about to leave but I didn't saw Adam anywhere.

"Come on Ki." Dean said.

"Yeah I'll be right there, I'm gonna wait on Adam."

"Okay little bash sis." Dean said, wrapping one arm around me.

They all left and I started to clean the locker room a little. 

"Adam are you almost done?" I yelled.

He walked in. "Yeah I'm done."

I hugged him but something went wrong. He stepped back and grabbed his wrist. I could see he was in pain.

"Omg I am so sorry are you okay?" I asked grabbing his wrist.

"Yeah I'm okay." he said. 

"You are not okay Adam, I could see it. Let me see your wrist." We sat down and he laid his wrist on my lap.

Coach walked in and saw us.

"I just think how'd you play with two good wrists." He walked to us.

"Coach it's just a little sore." Adam said.

"Okay. I should've spotted it sooner. I'm sorry man i wasn't doing my job."

"Coach I'm fine. I can play, I swear." Adam stood up.

"Okay." Coach said while grabbing a stick and handed it to Adam. "Here. Let's find out."

Adam reached the stick with his good hand wrist. "No no no. The other hand." Coach said.

Adam grabbed the stick. "Now rotate it." Coach said. Adam tried to rotate it but I saw on his face he was hurt. He dropped the stick with tears in his eyes.

Coach looked down and sighed. "I have to bench you."

"No you can't do that!" Adam said.

"Adam you could injure yourself permanently." coach said.

"You can't bench me. I gotta play, all the scouts are here watching me this is my shot!" Tears streamed down Adams face.

"Adam you're young. You're gonna have plenty of shots." I said.

He turned to face me. "But my dad's counting on me."

"I'm sorry." Coach said. Adam sat down again.

"I'm sure your dad will understand. Just tell him the truth." I said while taking his hand. "You're gonna be okay." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Come on. Let's go get that wrist checked up."

We arrived at the hospital. Coach wanted me to come because I could distract Adam a little. I tried to make him laugh but I could see he was nervous.

I turned his head so it was right in front of mine. "Hey it's all gonna be okay alright." I looked in his blue eyes.

He smiled and nodded.

A nurse came in and took us to a room. She told us it wasn't broken, just badly sprained. They gave Adam a sling for his arm to rest.

"I told you so." I said looking at him.

"You're right but I still can't play tho."

I looked down. He was right. He couldn't play and hockey was his life.

We got back to the hotel and I stayed with Adam the whole day. We talked about hockey, the team, our family's and us. Then I got a call from my mom.

"Hey mom. How are you?"

"Yeah i'm good! How about you?"

"Yeah i'm fine. How are dad and grandpa?" 

"About that.. Grandpa has Covid and he's not doing well. We brought him to the hospital earlier today. He's fine now, gladly."

"Oh." is the only thing I could say.

"Don't worry about it to much okay? He gonna be alright."

"Yeah I'll try not to think about it."

"Good honey. Me and dad are coming to watch the Iceland game."

"Omg really?"

"Yes of course. We wouldn't miss that."

"Okay mom. I gotta go. Love you."

"Love you to."

I hung up and tears formed my eyes. I was so scared I was going to lose my grandpa. I walked to Adam and wrapped him into a hug.

"Hans has Covid. He's in the hospital..."

"Omg is he okay?"

"Not really. He's doing a little better but not really good." I let out a sigh. I pulled away from the hug. "But enough of me. Call your dad Adam, please."

"Yeah okay.... But what should I say." He sighed.

"That you got hurt while playing Iceland and that they sprained your wrist." I said.

"Okay i'll call him now."

The call went pretty good. His dad said he understands and that he's proud of him for how far he'd already had made it with hockey. His parents were so nice so I knew they wouldn't make a problem out of it.

The rest of the day I just hung with Adam in his and Charlie's room. We played games and talked. Adam set on the radio and we sang along with some songs.

The song: Right where you left me came on. It was out song. That's the song we had our first kiss to. He stood up and took my hand. We danced and laughed. It was so comforting. I forgot about all my problems and only thought about the blonde boy in front in me.

He leaned in and kissed me. I started kissing him back. He pinned me against the wall and we started to make out. I was kinda nervous and scared, it was the first time we did this. What if what I do is wrong?

I pulled away. "I love you so much cake-eater."

Team USA love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now