you guys suck

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The next day was the last team practice so coach told us to come to the rink. He said we didn't have to bring anything but our skates. I wondered what he was up to. I walked with Adam.

"So how's your wrist?" I asked.

"It's doing much better."

"Good cuz I really miss you in the ice you know." I said, kissing his cheek.

When we arrived, everyone was there, even Mr.Tibbles, Ms.Mckay and Jan. We got on the ice.

"Coach, shouldn't we have our hockey gear on?" Luis asked.

"Guys this is our last team practice. Which means-"

"The return of captain blood?" Averman cut coach of. We all laughed.

Coach grabbed a beach ball, "No it means, let's have some fun." He threw the ball on the ice and we all started to skate after it. Kicked and slapped it around the rink.

Me and Adam stayed with each other. I knew his wrist wasn't doing that good but I believed him that it's a little better than before.

Jan learned Mr.Tibbles how to skate while Ms.Mckay and coach were talking.

It was the last practice which meant that we had only one game to go and then we were splitting apart. Well mostly the new ducks. They were gonna go back to their country while the old ducks stay in Minnesota.

Averman threw the ball to the other side of the rink. I went to get it but got knocked down by some Iceland player.

"You fucker. That hurts." I stood up, facing the big guy before Adam dragged me back to the team.

Stansson grabbed the beach ball and squeezed it until all the air was out of it. "Get off the ice now, we need to practice."

I zoned out of the conversations between coach and Stansson. When I came back to reality, coach and Stansson were gonna do some stupid challenge. First to hit the bar 3 times, wins the ice for today.

It was kinda boring watching this. Coach hit it 2 times so only had one to go, but then Stansson smashed his stick against coach's knee. Coach fell down to the ice. He let out a painful scream.

We all skated to him and helped him up. He had tears in his eyes. It kinda broke me to see him like this.

I skated towards the Iceland team and stopped right before them. I looked at Stansson who had a dirty grin on his face.

"You guys suck! This is how you want to win? By hurting people?" I yelled at him.

Adam and Charlie skated up behind me. "Come on Ki." They grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the team.

Stansson laughed before speaking up. "Get your coach off the ice. We need to practice."

I looked annoyed at him before skating away with the whole team.

Our next and last game was against Iceland and I want to win so bad! I want a piece of these guys.

Back at the hotel, I laid in bed with Adam. His wrist was doing beter but he still couldn't play. I know he wants to play Iceland because they did that to his wrist.

He spoke up. "So Iceland tomorrow. I think I can play!"

My eyes widened. "What? What do you mean?"

"Well I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning and maybe I can play." He said.

I jumped up. "Omg really?!"

He laughed and hugged me. "But don't tell the team okay? I want to surprise them."

"Yeah of course. I'll keep quiet." I leaned in to kiss him. He kissed me back. We started making out. I felt butterfly's flying around in my stomach.

The moment was ruined by the door opening. It was coach and Ms.Mckay. We quickly pulled away and faced them. It was kinda awkward.

"Uhmmmm we are going to the beach with the team. You guys coming?" Coach asked.

"Yeah we're coming. Give us a minute to change okay?" I said.

"Yeah of course. We'll wait in the lobby." Ms.Mckay now said.

Adam and I changed into swimming clothes before walking to the lobby where the whole team was waiting. We all walked to the beach. I wore a white bikini white shorts and a open blue blouse.

When we arrived at the beach, all the boys immediately ran into the water, while Julie, Connie and me put down all the towels. When we did that, we joined the boys in the sea.

We all got cold so went back to our towels where Ms.Mckay and coach were. We played games and made TikToks. It was a really fun day.

Back at the hotel, I showered in Adams and Charlie's room. I slept there because Guy and Luis slept at my room with Julie and Connie. I didn't mind. Adam and I shared a bed.

I jumped on Adam who was almost asleep.

"ughhh did you have to do that?" He groaned.

I laughed and snuggled next to him. I immediately fell asleep.

I woke up from a nightmare. My whole body felt sweaty and I was crying. I sat up, breathing really fast. It felt like I was gonna have a panic attack.

I felt Adam sitting up next to me, hugging me. "Ki what wrong."

I leaned against him. "I had a nightmare. I'm sorry I woke you."

"Don't be sorry." He answered.

"I had a nightmare about Hans dying. It just seemed so real..." I sighed.

"It's okay. Come here." He leaned his head back to his pillow and pulled me close to him. I felt safe and comfortable.

Team USA love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now