Russ Tyler

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Charlie had woke me up. I slept at their room in Adams bed. I got out of bed in silence. I didn't want to wake Adam. He is so cute when he sleeps.

I changed into my team USA tracksuit and met with Charlie outside of the hotel.

"So what's the plan Char?" I asked, still half asleep.

"So Adam can't play right?"

"That's right." I said confused.

"Okay so you remember that Russ guy?" He asked.

"Of course. What about him?"

"I thought maybe he can play with us? As long as Banks isn't playing?"

I thought about it. He was a good player and we had a chance to win this championship. "I'm in. Let's go find him." I grabbed his arm and ran to the place we played street puck with him.

They were playing again. Charlie and I walked up to him.

"Hey Russ! How you doin?" I greeted the boy.

"Hey Ki, Charlie. Good! What are you guys doing here?" He skated to us.

"We want to ask you something." Charlie said.

"What's up?" Russ asked.

"Well, Adam has a sprained wrist. Some Iceland boy slapped his arm with a stick." I explained.

"And we wanted to ask if you want to play for him, or even be part of our team." Charlie said.

"Yeah your shot is a-ma-zing!" I said.

Russ smiled wide. "Of course guys! I'd love to!"

I looked at Charlie smiling.

"Come on. We're telling coach." Charlie said.

We walked to coach's office. On the way, we talked a lot about Russ his life and got to know him better.

"Coach! I know with Banks out we got a roster change." Charlie stormed into the room.

Coach looked at me confused. "Uhmm yeah?"

"Yeah you know how I always told you I'd make a better coach than a player? I did some scouting for us."

Me and Russ walked in and coach started to laugh and looked down.

Charlie introduced Russ to coach.

"Russ Tyler huh? What can you do for the team?" Bombay asked.

"You never heard of my knuckle puck?"

"Knuckle puck? No."

We walked to the ice and Russ showed coach his knuckle puck. Coach looked impressed.

"What do you think coach?" I asked him.

"Okay he can join." He said.

I gave Russ and Charlie a high five.

We got a game today against Russia. We were up 2-0. The team was really doing good and everyone was impressed by Russ's shots.

Russ scored again. Then I scored and then Connie scored. We won 5-0.

After the game, coach told us he had a surprise for us. We were waiting in the locker room when a man came in. It was Wayne Gretzky!

"I told him no visitors but he wanted to congratulate you anyway." Coach said.

We took a picture with us and talked. He even talked to Adam about his wrist.

After that, Adam, Charlie, Ken, Dwayne and me went to the beach.

"Come on guy, let's go swimming." Dwayne said. We all agreed and got into the water. It was really cold but fun.

I stayed close to Adam because I was kinda scared of the sea. Only 5% of the ocean has been discovered. That really freaks me out.

It was all fun until something touched my foot. I looked down but got pulled under water. I panicked. Want am I supposed to do. I tried swimming to the surface. When my mouth came above the water, I screamed as hard as I could.


A wave came over me. My head went under again. I tried to look what was stuck around my foot. It was a fishing line. I didn't know if anyone was coming to safe me so I tried escaping myself.

Finally, the boys came to safe me. Charlie grabbed my waist while Dwayne tried to cut the fishing line. I felt my body float to the surface. Charlie pulled me out of the water. My eyes openend and I saw the 4 boys towered over me.

"Ki are you okay?" Ken asked.

I sat up. "I'm fine. Thanks guys."

They all stayed with me until it got dark. Adam didn't talk to me the whole time. I wondered what was going on. Charlie, Ken and Dwayne left and me and stayed a little longer. We sat next to each other, looking at the sunset in silence.

"Adam just tell me what's wrong already." I broke the silence.

"It's just.... I didn't do anything to help you back there. I just looked at what happened and what the other boys did." He said.

"It's not your fault."

"Yes it is! I could've saved you earlier but I panicked and didn't know what to do." He raised his voice.

I took his hands and faced him. "Adam no! It's not your fault. You have a sprained wrist, you couldn't do anything. Besides, if I were in your position, I didn't know what to do either."

He lightly smiled at me before bringing his lips to mine.

"Ew get a room you guys!" Dean and Fulton walked by.

"Don't get pregnant little bash sis." Fulton joked.

"Yeah watch your hands Banks." Dean said. Adam looked at me, then at the boys and back at me smirking.

"I'll think about that." My eyes widened and I punched him playfully.

Team USA love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now