USA v.s. Italy

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Today was the Italy game. That meant I had to see Adam again. Every time I saw him, something inside me broke. He hurt me but I still really loved him.

I packed my bag and put on my team USA tracksuit and t shirt on. Julie, Connie and me walked to the locker room and changed. We shared a locker room with the boys which was kinda awkward because they saw us in our bra's all the time but I trusted them and we were kinda used to it.

The game started and I took the face off. Dwayne was on my right and Jesse on my left. The ref dropped the puck and I got it. I passed it to Jesse who passed it back at Dwayne. Dwayne scored. 1-0.

Then they came towards our goal and shot, but Goldberg caught it. Guy got the puck and scored. 2-0.

I changed with Adam. Adam took center and I sat in de box with the rest of the team. Italy got the puck and skated towards Goldberg but Adam took the puck and skated the opposite way. He scored.

Eventually we won 6-0. Coach gave us a 'i'm proud of you team' speech again. He kinda changed but it didn't really mattered.

Jesse, Averman, Goldberg and Dwayne asked if I wanted to join them to the rodeo drive. Of course I said yes, I didn't have anything better to do.

Dwayne looked around him "This don't look like no rodeo drive to me."

"No that's rodEo drive." Averman laughed.

"You can't fool me. I saw it on the sign, it says 'rodeo drive." Dwayne looked at me.

"Now see there's an accent and-"

Jesse cut me of "He'll never understand Ki. Don't even try to explain it." We all laughed.

"I want to go to this store." I walked into a store and a woman walked toward us.

"Hello! Can I help you with something?" she asked nicely.

"Yeah I really want like a dress or something." I answered.

"Of course. I'm gonna show you my private collection." She sat us down and walked away. Moments later, 3 models walked in. They were so pretty. The boys watched with open mouths.

I already saw a nice dress. It was white with flowers all over it. Then again, 3 models walked in. I didn't saw anything I liked here so she got 3 more models. Still nothing so I decided to get the white dress with flowers. It fitted perfect and for the first time in a while I felt confident. The boys liked it to so I got it.

Back at the hotel, I showed Connie and Julie the dress and they really liked it. After that, I called my mom and showed it and told everything that was going on. I decided not to tell anything about Adam. I just didn't want her to be worried and she'll tell my dad and I just thought it would be better if I didn't say anything.

I walked around the hotel, still calling with my mom. I told what's all going on here and she told me her story's. Then she became serious.

"Uhmm honey, I didn't want to tell you this because I don't want you to be worried but grandpa is not feeling so well..."

"Oh.. what's wrong?" I asked worried.

"We don't know yet. Tomorrow we go to the hospital so I'll let you know. Okay?"

"Okay. I gotta go mom. Love you."

"Love you to." She hung up.

I walked around the halls. I really missed my parents and grandpa and I was worried what was going on with him. That thought just made me tear up. And just as I thought, I started crying. I slid down the wall behind me, digging my head in my knees.

Then Adam and Charlie walked by. What a timing.... I didn't want to talk to either of them but I kinda had to.

"Hey Ki. You okay?" Charlie asked sitting down next to me. I lifted my head up.

"What happened?!" he hugged me and Adam sat down to.

"Just missing home." I gave them a small smile and looked at Adam "And... other things..." he smiled and looked down.

We still sat down. I sat between them. They both had one arm around my shoulder and their head on my shoulder. It felt so comfortable and safe with these boys.

After a while, I stood up "I gotta go to my room. Thanks, for helping me. I love you guys."

"We love you to." they both said.

I smiled and walked away, back to Connie and Julie.

The next morning we had practice. Coach changed so much now that we're here. He cares about money and winning now. Before, he cared we were having fun.

Practice went pretty good. Our next game was against Iceland so we were kinda scared but also had trust in each other. We could win it right?

Team USA love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now