USA v.s. Germany

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We were waiting for coach to come to our game but he wasn't there. We were all panicking a little. No coach meant out of the tournament.

"Hey team! We're gonna be great today right?" Mr.Tibbles said. "Where's Gordon?"

"You tell us!" Luis said.

A ref skated to us. "Team USA, I'm sorry but without a coach behind the bench, your out of the game."

"But you can't do that!" Adam said.

"We have one!" Charlie said.

I knew what he was doing. "Ms.Mckay!" I yelled. Charlie and I skated to her.

"Hey guys what's up?" She asked.

"You have to pretend you're our coach or out of the game." Charlie said.

"Where's coach Bombay?" She asked confused.

"Pretend or out of the tournament." I said convincing.

"But I don't know anything about coaching."

The ref came to us. "Here she is our coach, coach Mckay." I looked at her pleasing.

"What are you waiting for? The ice to freeze, let's play!"

We all cheered and got to our positions. I was right center. Charlie took the face off but was knocked down by a German player. They skated towards Goldberg. They shot but luckily, Goldberg caught it. I took the puck and skated around the net but got checked into the boards.

I changed places with Dwayne. Finally, some rest. My bruise hurts like hell!

"We look tired. We need to... trade places." Ms.Mckay spoke up.

"What?" Charlie asked questioning.

"Uhhh new players." she now said.

"Ohh say change it up." Charlie said.

"Change it up."

"Louder, like scream it!" I said.

"Change it up!!" She now yelled. Everyone got in and out of the box. I sat there a little longer.

Suddenly, we heard a duck whistle. We turned around and saw Bombay. We all looked at him confused. I couldn't see him, not right now. I looked back at the ice. Averman was going to do the face off while Charlie looked at coach. Coach blew in the whistle again, trying to get our attention. I sat next to Adam and looked at him as he puts his arm around me.

"It's gonna be okay." He kissed my head.

Coach walked into the box and gave Ms.Mckay a kiss on her cheeck. "Come on in guys!"

The whole team now stood in the box.

"Team." he paused for a second "Guys , I was wrong. And I'm sorry. I forgot about the team and the team is all I have. All I want is another chance. Just one more shot. I'm back okay! Believe me."

Everyone smiled before skating back to the positions.

Coach came up to me. "Kiara, I know I messed up but can we talk after the game?"

"Of course coach." I gave him a small smile and turned my attention back to the game.

Averman scored! We won 3-2!

After the game, I stayed a little longer to talk to coach.

"Look, I'm really, really sorry for how I treated you. I shouldn't have said all those things and make you do weight laps."

I laughed a little "Yeah you should be sorry..." I lifted up my shirt, revealing my bruise around my waist.

"Omg I did that!?" Coach asked as he started to tear up. "I'm so sorry Ki!"

Without saying anything I hugged him. "It's okay coach. I'm glad your back to normal."

"Yeah me too. I didn't know what got into me. I was to busy with money and fame and didn't thought about the team."

"It's okay. We all forgave you so don't worry about it." I smiled at him.

We walked back to the hotel, still talking about the team and games.

"So I heard Hans isn't doing so well? You know anything about it?" Bombay asked.

I sighed. "I don't know anything. Me and my mom called the other day and she said grandpa wasn't doing too well so they were going to the hospital but I haven't talked to her after that."

"I'm sure he's okay. I promise." the man said soft.

We arrived at the hotel. I got to Charlie's and Adam's room. Sometimes I slept here and sometimes I slept at Connie's and Julie's. I laid on Adams bed. They weren't here yet so I just scrolled a little on tiktok before falling asleep.

"Ki wake up." I heard Adam his voice whispering in my ear. I opened my eyes slowly and turned to him.

"Hey." I said with a sleepy voice, rubbing my eyes.

"Your so adorable when you sleep you know that?" Adam said smirking.

"Oh shut up Banks." I laughed before kissing his lips.

Charlie walked in. "Ew I don't want to see your whole make out session."

"Sorry Char." I chuckled.

"Anyways, we're all going to the movies, you in?" Charlie continued.

"Of course. We'll be right there." Adam said.

I got changed into bleu Levi's jeans with a grey hoodie on top of it. I tied my shoes and me and Adam walked to the team.

"What movie are we even going to?" I asked Dean.

"Uhmm I believe it's called The Outsiders."

I gasped "OMG that's my favorite movie!!"

They all laughed at me. I really loved that movie. It was about 7 boys called the Greasers. They had enemies called the Soches. They were the rich kids while the Greasers were the more poor kids. You should really watch it. And not gonna lie, the boys were hot...

We arrived at the cinema. I sat between Adam and Jesse. Popcorn was my favorite snack so I bought some for during the movie. I loved these kind of nights, with my friends and boyfriend and my favorite movie.

After the movie, I looked at Adam who started laughing at me.

"Hey what's that for?" I asked confused.

"Your mascara run all over your face." He said, wiping my mascara away.

"Don't laugh at me. It was a sad movie." I said, acting like I was hurt by his words. He started laughing. "Johnny and Dally died and they were my favorite. Well that was a lie, I love them all."

"What about me?" Adam said with sad eyes.

"Of course I love you." I placed my lips on his.

Team USA love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now