I saw you

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I woke up the next morning with a heavy headache. Uhgg I cried so much last night. I was thankful for the girls cuz they were there for me, they supported me. We had made one big bed with all the mattresses and pillows. They were both still asleep.

I got out of the room and got breakfast when I saw Charlie. I don't know if Adam told him about anything.

"Hey Ki. Did you sleep well?" I turned to him.

"Yeah kinda." I said.

"Look... Adam told me everything and believe me, he's sorry. I slept in your bed and he cried the whole night." I looked at him confused and disgusted.

"Well so did I Char. He broke my heart...."

Charlie stood there quiet. I was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm and pulled me in a tight hug.

"Adam doesn't know that I know Char. I saw him but he doesn't know that."

"Ki you need to tell him." Charlie was right.

"Yeah I know... I'll text him and say that I want to talk to him." I sighed.

When I got back to the room, I texted Adam.

"Hey... I want to talk to you. Meet me at 1?"

"Yeah see you, come to our room, okay?<3"

Omg the audacity to send a heart. He knows what he did was wrong.

It was almost 1 so I changed into blue jeans and a white with red t shirt. I tied my white converse and walked to our room. I knocked on the door and Charlie opened.

"Hey Ki." I walked in and gave Charlie a 'leave' look.

"Alright I'm gonna go." He walked out of the room.

Adam came to me, going on for a kiss but I cut him of. "Don't. Please."

I sat on my bed. Adam sat down across from me.

"What do you wanna talk about?" He asked.

Something inside me broke and bursted at the same time.

"Adam, don't play dumb! You fucking kissed Sophia! I saw you." Tears started to stream down my face.

He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Ki please-"

"No you kissed the girl you told me not to worry about. I said from the beginning that she liked you and you didn't believe me. Connie and Julie told me they had a fight with her because she said she liked you and that she was going to steal you from me and I wanted to tell you but I didn't because I trusted you."

My voice broke. Adam had tears in his eyes. I wanted to give him a hug but I hated him so much right now.

"It was a mistake and it meant nothing! Please, Ki."

"No I'm done here. I want to talk to you, really, but I just can't look at you right now. I need time."

I wanted to walk away but I just couldn't. I broke down falling on my knees in the middle of the room. Adam came to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. He made a big mistake but I still loved him. I just didn't know if I would love him the same way as first.

I calmed down and stood up. He looked at me with red, watery eyes.

"Maybe we can figure it out Adam. Maybe we can talk it out but just not right now."

I left the room, still crying. I walked back to Connie and Julie who were now awake.

"So I talked to Adam. Of course he said that it didn't mean anything and that he was sorry. I said that maybe we can figure things out and we can be together again but we're on a break...." I leaned against the door.

"Omg Ki..." Connie said.

"You did great Kiara. For now, it's the best for both of you." They both hugged me.

"I love you guys." I said.

"We love you to."

We decided to got shopping with Jesse, Luis and Ken. I changed into a black nike hoodie and blue shorts with white converse. We walked out the room, walking in to the boys who were waiting for us. We walked out of the hotel to the mall.

"So what happened with you and Adam? I heard you guys had a fight earlier." Kenny asked.

"Uhmm well, he kissed Sophia and I saw that so I told him and now we're on a break." I let out a sigh.

"I'm sure you two can figure it out." Kenny said, smiling at me. Kenny was like a little brother to me. He is so nice to everyone.

We arrived at the mall and got to some stores before we went to Mel's, it was like a cafe/restaurant where the waitresses are on roller skates. It was sick! We all ordered some food and milkshakes. I ordered a vanilla milkshake with fries and a burger. Julie, Connie and Guy joined. We all sat down and I sat between Luis and Kenny, across Julie, Guy, Connie and Jesse Then, Sophia came to us.

"Hey guys. Kiara, I'm sorry for what happened with Adam." she said smirking. I'm literally going to kill this girl.

"Shut the hell up." Luis defended me.

"Okay, well see you guys." she walked away.

"That girl really is a joke." Guy let out.

When we were done, we walked back to the hotel but on our way, we saw the rest of the team, including Adam. I looked down. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I saw Julie standing behind me.

"Hey guys. Wanna hangout?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah!" they all said, except for me.

"I'm gonna go to the hotel."

"You sure?" Ken whispered.

"Yeah I'll be fine." I said, giving him a small hug before walking back to the hotel.

I changed rooms so now I slept in a room with Julie and Connie, Guy sometime slept there but was mainly in other rooms. Charlie took my room with Adam. Most of my stuff were still in that room so I went there and got all my stuff. Back at my room, I saw Adams hoodie. I brought it back to Adams room with a note.

Adams pov:
I got back to my room with Charlie. Me and the whole team expect for Kiara went swimming. Kiara went back to the room. Of course it was because of me. Then, I saw my hoodie laying on my bed, the hoodie Kiara took from my closet every time she was cold. There was a note:

Thought you maybe wanted this back.

God how could I've been so stupid kissing another girl. I love Kiara and I want her in my life, always. I just want to be with her. She really makes me a better person.

Team USA love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now