New Vigilant

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Tony's POV.

Fury called a team meeting. I walk in casually late like always.

"Your late Stark" Fury said. I just rolled my eyes and sat down Fury continued with the meeting.

He was talking about a new vigilant. "I need you guys to catch Spider-Man and bring him in."  Fury said.

"Why do we have to bring him in. He's helping people?" Clint questions. Most of the other avengers agree with him.

"Because we can't have a super hero running around when we don't know who they are. What if he goes rogue then we can't track him." Fury says

"Okay, I go and get him. FRIDAY alert me when Spider-Man is out."

Of course


A few hours later FRIADY told me Spider-Man was out so I suited up and went to find the spider. I came upon the spider. He was on one of the tallest buildings in New York. I went up behind him but he jumped and spun around before I even got to land.

Peter's POV.

I was sitting on top of a building when my Spidey sense was telling me that someone was behind me. It wasn't a threat but that someone was there. I jump and spin around to see TONY STARK in the Iron Man suit.

"Hey Spider-Man Can I talk  to you for a minute?" Iron man questions.

"Sure what do you need?" I ask trying not to freak out.

"What's your name. It would be a lot of help" I start internally panicking but then remember I don't have to tell him.

"And why should I tell you?" I say a little meaner than I meant to.

"Look I don't want to fight but my 'boss' Fury needs to know." He pause, "if you aren't going to tell me can you come to the tower at least?"

 "Sure. I can come tomorrow around 9 p.m.? That work?" I ask hoping is does. Tomorrow dad is supposed to come home for the week. So at least I won't have to deal with him.


At around 7 I got my suit on and decided that I should take my bow that dad gave me with. I start my patrol shortly after that and by 9 I am over by the tower. I swing around the top looking for a way in. About half way around I see and open window and swing through it. I land inside and see all the avengers minus dad glad he had the week off starting at me with weapons' drawn. I hold my hands up to show I'm not a threat.

"Ahhh Spider-Man, glad to see you kept your promise." Mr. Stark says, "Stand down everyone I asked him here."

"Hey.... Um what do you need from me I have to be quick" I say looking around examining everything in the room.

"We just need your name spider ling." Captain America says.

"Well you see I can't tell you that. I mean I would be putting my family and friends in danger." I says now noticing the avengers were starting to surround me.

I slowly start backing up towards the open window.

"FRIDAY call Clint and close the window."

"Hey Tony," my dad yawned and I slightly laughed at this earning a glare form the avengers, "Whatcha need?"

"We need you to get here now we have Spider-Man and need some help."

"Alright I'll be right there." Dad said then hung up.

I start panicking Dad is going to notice the bow then add up that Spider-Man is his son then I'm going to get in trouble. I didn't even relies that I was hyperventilating and Natasha Romanoff was trying to calm me down.

A few minutes later I was calmed down and breathing normally.

"Thanks but I have to get going" I say opening the window and swinging home. Making sure nobody was following me.

I got home making sure to make no noise. I got out of my suit and went to bed. Making sure everything was hidden and the bow was back in place.

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