Junior Year

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It was my junior year in high school. I had been visiting the avengers tower as Spider-Man every other weekend, as a compromise for not giving my identity. For school everything was going fine until decathlon practice. MJ the captain and my friend told us that we had a field trip.... To stark industries. I had told Ned about being Spider-Man but he was the only one that knows. 

We start boarding the bus and heading over to the tower. We get there and are met by and amazing tour guide. She gave us badges and told us to go through the scanners. I was scared I had my suit in my bag and FRIDAY can scan if there are any weapons. I didn't need the avengers of my dad knowing.

I used my watch I recently made to ask Karen to hide my suit. I hoped it worked because I was next to go through the scanners.

Peter.. Parker, Level clearance Guest, weapons none

FRIDAY said, but she stuttered on my name. Does FRIDAY know? Is she going to tell Mr. Stark My thoughts were interrupted by flash.

"HA. Punny Parker looks like you almost couldn't come in." Flash mocked. I ignored him and followed the tour guide next to Ned and MJ.

Tony's POV.

The avengers and I were sitting in the living room, when FRIDAY spoke up.

Boss it appears that one of  the people that have just entered the building has a matching blood to an avenger. FRIDAY said

When FRIDAY said this Clint spit out his water and almost choked.

"You alright Clint?" Natasha asked while patting his back

"Umm FRIDAY what's their name?" Clint asked nervous

It is Peter Parker Mr. Barton

Clint hears this and runs to the elevator, quickly followed by me and the rest of the avengers.

Clint's POV.

When I find this boy he is dead. Not only is he skipping school but breaking into stark towers. I thought while asking FRIDAY where he was.

I went to the labs and found him

"PETER YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TRUBLE!" I scream. Everyone in the room looks at me 

I see Peter trying to hide. 

"Peter you better have a good explanation as to why you are here and not at school." I scolded

"Ummmm... Sorry dad but I have a field trip with my ... decathlon team..." Peter barley stutters out. 

I take a look at my surroundings. I notice all of the children around him. I see the avenger staring wide eyed.

"ohhh.. Sorry Pete." I look down, "Why don't you come with me to the penthouse and we can explain things." I say grabbing peter and walking out. 

We head up to the penthouse. The avengers were right behind up.

Peter BartonWhere stories live. Discover now