Awkward Meeting

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Peter's POV.

I was in some of the labs, when I hear my dad screaming.


Everyone looks at them confused and scared.

"Peter you better have a good explanation as to why you are here and not at school."

At this I cower backward not wanting to have the blunt of his anger. I zone out as my father is saying something to the teacher and tour guide. Suddenly I was grabbed by my arm and dragged to the elevator.

The elevator ride was awkward. Being in the same elevator as the avengers and a slightly angry dad. We got to the common room and dad drags me onto the couch.

"So Do you want to explain who this is and WHY you ran out of the room when FRIDAY told us about someone having the same DNA as one of us?" Tony asked.

At this I got scared if FRIDAY can see if we have the same DNA as an avenger then she could probably see my spider DNA.

"This is my son. Peter. So when I heard that he was here and not at school, I got mad." Dad explains.

The room was filled with 'oh's' and 'WHAT'S'. My dad started to answer all of their questions. I mostly zoned out until I heard one question.

"Are you sure that he is your kid. I mean he had a different last name." Tony asked.

"Yea he is. He has a fake name as to not draw attention." my dad responded 

"So you wouldn't mind doing a DNA test?" Tony asked

"No not at-" I cut dad off.

"That's really not necessary. I mean why would Hawkeye lie about having a child?" I say, everyone gives me a concerned and confused look.

"Peter if they need to do a DNA test let them."

"Dad that's ... that's  not a good idea" I pause thinking of an excuse, "I mean you know with my fear of needles." I say hoping that it fools him. As I said this Natasha gave me a look. She knew this was a lie, but she wasn't saying anything about it. Not yet at least.

"You are?" dad questions. I just respond with a nod. "I guess the DNA test would be a bad idea then." dad turned to the team, "Guess you're just going to have to trust me."

We hung out with the team for a few hours before dad sent me home. I got home and said goodnight to mom, Cooper, Lila and Nate. It was already 8.00 P.M.

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