Truth or Dare

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Peter's POV.

I was in an alleyway changing out of my suit. I walk out in normal clothes and head towards the tower. I walk in and scan my pass. Since I have been here so many times Mr. Stark has just decided to give me a pass. 

After scanning my pass I head towards the private elevator. I was so close but some random employee stopped me.

"Kid your not supposed to be here and that elevator can only be used by the avengers and Mr. Stark himself." he says

I pull out my badge and head into the elevator ignoring him. FRIDAY brings me up to the penthouse and I walk out. I walk over to the living room area and see most of the avengers minus Tony and Bruce, sitting on the couch talking. Natasha notices me and asks FRIDAY to get Tony and Bruce.

"Hey Pete how was your day?" Dad asks 

"It was good umm what did you need me for?" I ask not sure why I was needed.

"We just wanted to hang out with you and get to know you more." Nat says.

The elevator opens and out steps Bruce and Tony. The come over to the couch and sit. We all start talking. We talk for 20-ish minutes until Wanda brings up an idea.

"Hey. Why don't we play Truth or Dare? I'm getting board." Everyone nods in agreement. "Okay then Clint Truth or Dare?" Wanda asks

"Truth" my dad says.

"What's a secret you've never told anyone?"  Pietro asked.

"Well besides Peter I have three other children. Nathanael who's 3, Lila who's 9 and Cooper who's 11." Clint says and Peter just nods in agreement, "Okay my turn, Peter truth or dare?"

Dad asked me? whatever, "Dare." What could go wrong. I thought

"I dare you to show us your coolest trick."

Everything apparently. "Could we go to the training room?" I ask heading to my bag to get my bow out.

"Sure lets go." Tony says and we head to the elevator. I have my bow that dad got me around my shoulder.

"Hey Peter why do you have the same bow as Spider-Man?" Nat asks, Shoot I forgot that I had that.

"What do you mean Nat. I got that custom made for Peter when he was 11." Dad says. I just freeze hoping nobody else notices and calls me out.

Peter Luck strikes again and everyone starts talking about it, "Okay enough." I say a little louder than I meant to, "That night I let Spider-Man borrow it. He's one of my friends." I say trying to cover up. 

"Peter are you sure that's the truth?" Dad asks.

"Dad why would I lie to you. Plus you know that I'm terrible at lying." I say slightly bending the truth.

He just nods and the door opens. We head to the training room. I head straight over to the range, earning some weird and confused looks from everyone. I begin setting up when Steve asks.

"How'd you know exactly where the archery range is?" he asks.

"Ummm. It was kinda obvious, I mean where else would there be enough room?" I say as more of a question. Everyone just nods and goes along with it. 

I look back at the target and shoot 3 perfect bulls eyes in a row.

"Nice. Good to see that you haven't let the training go to waste." Dad says patting me on the back.

"Thanks." I say and we head back to the common area.

TIME SKIP (10 rounds later)

Incoming call from Fury. FRIDAY says pulling up the big screen

"Hello Aven- Who's this and what is he doing here?" Fury askes looking me dead in the eyes.

"This is my son, Fury. He's fine to hear this. What you need." Dad says pulling me into a protective hug.

"Didn't know you had a son Agent Barton. Anyways I need an update on why you all still haven't gotten me Spider-Man's Identity." 

"Sir with all due respect we have gotten to know Spider-Man pretty well. He even comes over to the tower a few times a week." Steve says in the most respectful way possible.

"That doesn't excuse the fact that we need a name." Fury says getting a little furious.

"Peter knows him apparently and I know he would tell me if we really needed his name." Dad says. NOOOOO why did he say that.

"Peter what's his name we need it in our systems incase he goes rouge." Fury asks me.

"It's not my place to say. Plus he doesn't want his name in the system. He says that 'HYDRA?' Has hacked the systems to many times. Plus almost anyone can hack into SHEILD, I mean even I have gotten into the systems..." What did I just say. I am SO dead.

"What do you mean? You have hacked SHEILD? What are you 10?"

"16 actually. And it was to help Spidey so he could have a easier time tracking crime. You really need to up the security it was really easy to hack." I say not necessarily lying but not really telling the truth.

"Peter." Dad said sternly. I got the memo and walked out of the room to the kitchen. With my super hearing I heard him finish. "Sorry Fury, I'll talk to him and see what got into him. I'll also see if I can get Spider-Man's Identity.

I hear Fury hang up, muttering something about upping security for the systems.

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