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I was out patrolling when I heard a scream.

"Karen where did that scream come from?" I ask heading in the general direction.

155 Strawberry St. It appears there is a fire with a 3 people stuck inside.

I head over and see that most of the people are out. I ask around to figure out what floor the people are stuck on. All on the 4th floor. Okay I got this. I swing up to the 5th floor and call out.

"Over here" I hear

"Keep talking." I say

I reach them and see 2 children and a father.

"Okay I'm going to get you all out."

I get them all towards a window. I hop out and the building explodes, I quickly make a web area and move so they land on me not the other way around.

"You... All okay," I say receiving some nods.

I head around seeing if everyone else is okay. Thankfully the firemen and local PD showed up in no time.

"Well take it from here Spidey, Thanks." With that I swing away.

I go to my favorite building and sit pulling up my mask a bit so I can breath better.

You are getting a call from your Father would you like me to answer it? Karen asks.

"Sure, Hey Dad what's up?" I ask trying not to cough.

"Nothing just seeing what you are doing. Would you like to come to the tower?"

"Sure I'll be over in a bit." I say and hang up.

I swing over to the tower. Stopping in a nearby alleyway to change.


Clint's POV.

"Hey Clint?" Nat asks I give a nod in response motioning for her to continue, "You know when Peter first came right?" I nod again, "And he said he was afraid of needles, well he was lying."

"What?!?! Peter would never lie to me." I say getting defensive I mean who wouldn't. Nat is accusing MY child of lying.

"No need to get defensive but he was. I don't want to start anything so believe what you want."

"Okay if your so sure he is lying why don't I invite him over. We can watch a movie and play truth or dare." I say.

Nat Nods and I go call Peter.

"He'll be here in a bit." I say and go chill on the couch.

Peter BartonWhere stories live. Discover now