Reluctent Truths

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Everything was so simple these days, were you still a little on edge in regards to a certain white haired man? Yes. However the dull ache that hummed under the surface of your skin was enough to make you smile. You had found someone to deal with the last hints of the heat, and after all the training you'd been doing, it all just felt right.

You had no real destination in mind, it was a quiet day. Each of you was busy dealing with your own things and recovering for whatever mission would pop up next. You had always been a fan of being off base, but these days you practically lived for it. You couldn't help the lingering anxiety that started to surface when things got too quiet. Between always being around such a noisy bunch, and not trusting it - it was just better to be away from the quiet.

Having just finished up in the dining rooms, you were lazily making your way down the halls, jaw falling in a large yawn. The leisurely stroll was fine, the passing soldiers were comforting, everything was still going on as it always did. Face after face that you hardly recognized, and that was how you liked it. There was something comforting in not having any ties to these people, and not needing to worry about who saw you.

"Ah, well there you are"

Internally you groaned as the all too familiar voice chimed in from the right before an arm curled over your shoulders. Turning your gaze to face the other Saiyan, your eyes were daggers that met the arrogance of his own.

"Raditz, I can't believe I've been blessed with your presence. What have I done to deserve such a moment? Tell me, so I can avoid ever doing it again." you groaned as you shrugged his arm off of your shoulders. The sarcasm rolling from your tongue was nearly tangible. Beside you came a deep chuckle, clearly not thrown off by the obvious displeasure at his appearance.

"I know Nappa warned me about how cold you've been and all, but it's me. Unlike the other two, I'm much more tolerable." he stated confidently, letting his hand rest on your shoulder this time. The smirk on his lips was enough to rub you the wrong way and you gave him a warning look, you just took his wrist and dropped his hand without a second thought.

"You can tell yourself that, but I am pretty sure that someone needs to have their head examined. Someone clearly doesn't know how to take a hint, and will lose a limb or two if they aren't careful" the growl came, low and threatening. In all honesty you knew that Raditz was the weakest of the three men, and if you were starting to catch up with Nappa then you could take Raditz. Well maybe not realistically win just yet, but at least give him something to reflect on. The hostility radiating from you was evident to the others in the hall as they didn't bother to look over in your direction.

Instead of deterring him from his advances, it only seemed to light a challenge in the other, much to your dismay. A smug look came over his features and his hands went right to your hips. This desire for affection was starting to really bug you, and it was really not helping anything. The remains of the heat were faintly flickering, and sure the prince had helped considerably but you were starting to learn being around Saiyans didn't help it any. Could that be why Nappa and Raditz had both been more inclined to be around you? Possibly, but what you did know was that it was getting on your nerves.

"Raditz, so help me - remove your hands before," you growled, trailing off for a moment, not even able to think up some kind of threat in the moment. Between wanting to just deck him one, you instead opted to take a large step away from the other as your eyes caught sight of the tall purple man. It was instantaneous how the fear crept along your spine. Did he know about the incident the other day? "Captain Ginyu," you greeted as you made sure that Raditz would be standing between the two of you.

To this, Raditz lazily turned to look over his shoulder before he turned around to give the other a nod of acknowledgement. He didn't look too pleased with the other man's sudden appearance. For once you envied the man, oh how you wished you could have such an aloof attitude right now. Instead you got to feel foolishly afraid of the entire Ginyu Force.

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