New Associates

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AN/ I don't proof read. I do reread my stories as I go on, so I will edit them as I notice mistakes, I also apologize in advance for any silly mistakes.

I will try and have each chapter up as I move along, however I make no promises. I am not going to set a time or date for each chapter, because I can never keep it. However the more reviews the more motivation I will get to keep writing ;D

You had not gotten any sleep the night before, after hearing Zarbon's news of your relocation. You were far to excited, you were finally going to find new people to challenge and new missions to do. After the same bloody clean up missions you had been sent on for the past 17 years of your life, you were so glad to be moving on up.

However you were now half asleep, your arms crossed over your chest. Your back was pressed against one of the walls of the room and your beautiful eyes were hidden behind your eyelids. You were slowly drifting in and out of consciousness, you didn't notice the hiss of the door as three large men came walking in.

"Can we hurry this up, I would like to enjoy the time off they had given us.." a voice snarled, clearly displeased.

"You just want to go and sleep around, huh Raditz!" a much louder voice snapped, followed by laughter.

"Oh will the two of you shut up, we have to find our newest member, Zarbon had said we wouldn't be disappointed. I want to know who the hell they are!" A third, voice snapped. He clearly sounded aggravated by the other two.

Opening your eyes you watched as they entered and you narrowed your [e/c] orbs at them. Those three men all clearly looked strong and well trained, and the only thing that kept you from jumping them was their armor. They were clearly part of Lord Frieza's army, so they were allies - in some sense of the word. However they were also idiots. How could they not have noticed you yet?

"You know, you should really knock before you enter a room, or at least give people a heads up that you are there." you said, the corners of your lips turning up in a smirk. The three men all spun to face you, the larger two taking on defensive positions. The man in the middle glared at you, his arms folded over his chest. His hair was tall and spiked.

The man to his right was a bit taller then the man in the middle. His eyes narrowed at you, his hair was incredibly long and a jet black.

The man on his left was much taller than the other two. The only difference was he had no hair, but instead a black mustache that lined his upper lip.

The one thing that they all had in common was the fact that they were dressed in similar armor to your own, however theirs was blue while yours was black. They all wore the green scouters on their left eyes.

"Who do you think you are talking to, woman!" The man in the middle snapped, clearly vexed at you speaking to them, as well as catching them all off guard.

Lifting a brow you sneered and stepped closer, ignoring the two men on the side of the one in the middle. He was taller than you, but not by much. The only one there who might have intimidated you was the largest one, but you were putting your money on him being really slow.

"I would say, but seeing as none of you muscle heads have introduced yourselves; I don't know." You stated, not backing down in the least.

"Hah, what a foolish woman. Why should we introduce ourselves to a low class like yourself?" the man with long hair sneered. He was clearly finding you amusing. This vexed you and you felt a finger twitch. Oh how you wanted to punch that look off his face and show him what for. The larger man on the other side chuckled at the others comment.

"I have a right to know who is coming to and from this ship. I would have alerted my team of you by now, however you clearly have a reason being here. So if I knew who you were I would be able to point you in the right directions." you responded coolly. You didn't miss a beat as you turned you gaze back to the man in the middle. You watched a small grin meet his face

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