Mission Start!

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Stretching out in your armor, you left the room and waited by the others doors. Normally you were the last one to awaken, however today was your first mission, and you were excited! The ship you would all be departure in had been packed up the night before, and all that was left was to go and eat. You stretched out and leaned against the wall, glancing over when on of the doors opened to show Nappa. The man looked over and his looked puzzled at seeing you, but he shrugged it off as the other two emerged from their rooms as well.

The last few days had been really uncomfortable, as the others were always staring at you, almost expectantly; however after blowing off your steam on a group of lower class minions the night before and getting to leave for your missions - nothing could break your spirit!

Taking no time with go to eat, you were the first one done and ready to go. The three glance between one another with a rather impressed look. It wasn't very often that people got excited about their missions, unless it was to go and wipe out races and cause destruction. This was only a rescue mission, but it was better than clean ups.

The three let you lead them around the base as you practically bounced off of the walls. You were like an overactive child who had gotten locked in a candy store overnight. Though, none of them complained. It was probably the first time any of them saw you being genuinely happy. There was no arguing or sharp comments bantered back and forth, just happy chatter and excited rants.

Finally they said that preparations were set and you beamed, boarding the ship. Hell, you were in such a good mood that you didn't in care that everyone was sitting so close to you, since it was a much smaller ship. Letting your tail free for the time being, it swayed softly back and forth behind you as you at there impatiently. Looking over at the spiky haired prince you finally asked the important question,

"What should I be prepared for? What exactly are we doing?" you asked, turning your body to face him while you spoke. He rolled his eyes before giving you a quick glance over,

"A patrol had been sent there a month ago. They should have been gone for only a week. A week ago we received a distress call from the team, and they decided our squad would handle it. We will arrive and set up a camp; there are wild creatures there, so you will have to be alert. The next day we will go and start to patrol the area for them, using the sunlight to our advantage." he explained in short.

It was just a simple mission, and both Raditz and Nappa looked bored about it; but you just weren't able to share their emotions. Even if you wanted to, you just don't think that it would have been possible. You just couldn't wait to get out there and start to do real work. This may be a boring job, but it was already a vast improvement from your last ones.

The ride was a long one, and you meant loong. If it wasn't Nappa or Raditz making some kind of inappropriate comment, then it was Vegeta who was starting to lose his temper on the other two. You couldn't help but think that you were surrounded by idiots. You avoided any kind of conversation with them if it was necessary, not wanting to give them the chances to pull your good mood down. Thanking your God for that ride to be over, you stepped out with the others, stretching out your body.

You wasted no time in helping the others remove what you all needed for the camp that night. Vegeta decided he was too good for the grunt work and decided to take a seat on a tree stump and watch. Rolling your eyes you continued to help them unload, pulling out a tent and passing it off to them before you pulled out the second. Handing it off you went to grab the other two, only to realize that there were no more. Your brows knit together in confusion as you shut the compartment to the ship and went over to help the two set up the tent,

"Did someone forget to pack the tents? We only have two of them?" you asked innocently enough. As you worked around the tent with the two, you managed to catch a glance at Vegeta who held nothing but a smug grin on his face,

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