Mission Success?

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The next day came faster than you thought it would have. You had a dreamless night, and it hardly felt like you slept at all. You had woken at the crack of dawn, the sunlight illuminating the inside of the tent, allowing your sleep filled eyes slowly open and focus. Laying there your body was curled up nearly in a ball, and your eyes came to focus on another face right beside yours.

At first you hardly even thought about it. The face before you was deep in a peaceful slumber. The normally harsh and cold expression, was so soft and cute. However as soon as the thought crossed your mind, you vowed never to say that allowed. The all to proud prince would surely kill you if you said that out loud.

However the peaceful moment of admiring his serene expression was abruptly ended when you remembered the events of the night before. A flush rose quickly to the tops of your cheeks and you sat up, careful not to wake him. The embarrassment washed over you all at once making you cringe at how you acted. It didn't help that Vegeta had done nothing but encourage the whole thing. You wanted to slap the man, but instead voted on getting your stuff and cleaning up.

Standing you made sure your outfit was on right before you slipped out and went over to the ship, grabbing some soap and a towel. Glancing over at Nappa and Raditz's tent you couldn't help but snicker at the snoring that was emitting from it. Maybe sharing the tent with Vegeta was more beneficial than you thought. It not only solved your little problem, but you were saved from the sleepless night with one of those two.

Wasting no time you took off in the air and made your way to a river that was nearby. You wanted to clean your clothes and have a bath while you were at it, the sooner you could forget the events of the night before the better.

Seeing the river you checked around for anything wild and then when you deemed it safe you relaxed. Stripping down you went down to the river with the soap and started to scrub them. It took only a few minutes before you started to wring the water out of them and put them on a branch of a nearby tree. It was already really sunny and warm, so it shouldn't take too long to dry them.

After your body had gotten used to the freezing currents, it because a lot warmer and easy to wade around in. Diving under to wet your hair, you saw a few decent sized fish and you snatched them up, tossing them up onto the shore next to your towel. Emerging from the water you looked around, taking in the new planet. It wasn't normal for you to have time to relax and look around, normally it was in and out missions, on planets with nothing but desolation. This planet was still full of life, and you had the chance to take it all in. Your tail sway behind you under the water, as you thought.

Letting out a deep sigh you smiled before turning around to grab your soap. However as you went to reach for it you noticed a set of feet and looked up. Your ears burned when your eyes met Vegeta's.

"You shouldn't be wondering around unknown planets alone." he said simply. He seemed like he was trying to hold up a persona; but the sleep that still clouded his eyes was saying something completely different. Blushing you huff and grab the soap, turning away from him to shield your naked body,

"I didn't want to wake anyone, and I was just going for a quick bath.. It's not like I can't defend myself.." you retorted, running the soap through your [h/l] [h\c]. Scrubbing it thoroughly you rinsed it out, diving under again and shaking it out once coming up again. Glancing over you noticed that Vegeta had taken a seat next to the fish and your towel.

"Yeah, yeah. Just make sure to take one of us next time. Even if your mad, on unknown planets you never know what will happen." he responded and laid back shutting his eyes again. You were a little bit surprised that he wasn't leering over you like you had expected. It made you feel that little bit of respect and it made you smile inwardly as you moved on to scrubbing your body.

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