Making Progress

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He wasn't exactly one for pillow talk and cuddles, much like you would have assumed in the first place. In fact it might have shocked you more if he had been. Instead he cleaned himself up when you turned your back to him and left without much more than a couple words. You were given one more painful reminder that you needed to toughen up and he was gone.

Did you expect anything to come from what had just happened, no. Hell you already knew you'd probably never hear the end of it and that alone was enough to make your blood boil. Even if he had been amazing and satisfied everything you needed him to in the moment - you would rather drop dead than ever give him the satisfaction of knowing that. He was an arrogant prince and you didn't need to give him any more of an ego boost on top of everything else.

Laying there in the pit of confusion over how you felt now, you finally decided enough was enough. There was still enough time to get some training in and you would rather not lose any more time, least they tried to hold it against you for slacking. Dragging yourself from the inner war in your head, you stood, not without a pleasant reminder that was ghosted through out your skin, and headed into the bathroom.

The shower was hot and quick, scrubbing your skin rougher than normal, trying to erase it from your thoughts. Granted there was no way to forget his lips on your skin or just how right it had felt. Honesty you chalked it up to being that time and probably something to do with him being Saiyan. After all you'd dealt with your time before but it had never felt quiet as right as that had. Needless to say you weren't exactly in the biggest hurry to find out about it either.

Everything was routine from there. Dressed. Stretched. Straight to the training rooms. You were pretty sure it would be safe to avoid Vegeta there, he was probably busy reporting the mission and trying to brown nose Frieza or Ginyu. He was very proud, but he also bowed his head when he wanted to keep his life. After all you probably made his life a little bit more difficult when you had lipped off about Frieza.

With a hiss the door pulled open and you stepped in. The dull roar that was humming in your muscles was enough to remind you how badly you needed to let off some more steam. While you had been hopeful that you would be able to steal the training room to yourself, your tail lashed with annoyance as you spotted a certain hulking Saiyan in one of the corners of the room. Great. Just one of the people you wanted to see the most in that moment. It wasn't like dealing with any of them was an easy task, let alone when you were all wound up.

Deciding it would be in your best interest to ignore him, as you headed over towards your own section of the room. It was nothing special, and it wasn't like any of the higher ups were in a hurry to use any of their budget on your group. The stuff was older and worn, but you figured it gave it some character; after all so far there had been a great deal of memories made in this room, and you weren't sure if you would really change that if you could. Even if some were unpleasant, and others were just plain embarrassing. Over the dulled smack against the leather of the punching bag you hadn't noticed a loud voice trying to get your attention. Well that being until suddenly he was in your vision.

"Just because you can get some doesn't make you that much better than the rest of us you know?" the voice jabbed, the loud sound breaking from the haze that had been fogging everything else was the least recommended at the moment. Stopping you lifted your eyes to meet the others, narrowed in displeasure of being interrupted.

"And what makes you think that? Besides, I know I'm better either which way, keep that in mind." you pointed out, voice level not wanting to really give anything away. Knowing their history it would be something quickly turned against you, and the questions of who would be quick to follow. After being so against any of them, you weren't exactly ready to admit they weren't that bad. Especially when you knew they all had one goal in mind, and it was the one thing you were most against.

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