So It Starts

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Laying there on your bed you had your eyes shut, and your arms resting on your stomach. The soft rise and fall of your breathing was the only sound inside of the room. Outside there was beeping and people talking, sometimes running, and shouting. This place was always so chaotic, and you had come to find comfort in it all.

However used to the mess that was your life now, all you could think about it how much you missed the serene times in your life. The years of your life before you became a member of Lord Frieza's Army. Back when you were nothing but a small child who held pure innocence of the world. Drowning out the sounds outside, you allowed the dark abyss of sleep surround you.

Waking in the small bed, your father curled up beside you, and the sounds of your mother in the kitchen greeted your awakening senses. You smiled, your tail lazily sprawled out behind you as you snuggled up closer to the man. You knew you were adopted, you would have had to been very stupid to think otherwise. You knew you weren't from around there, everyone else there looked so much different than you. You had [s/c] coloured skin, and your hair was [h/l] [h/c]. Everyone else had a greyish-pink skin, and they didn't have hair.

Not to mention you had a tail.

However your parents both loved you and treated you as though you were their own, and you couldn't have been more grateful. You got picked on a lot, which was a given; but you got into trouble for beating the other children up. You didn't really know your own strength, let alone how to control it. All you knew was that when they started picking on you, you just snapped and started throwing punches.

Many times you had come home from school with a black eye and bruises, and your parents were heartbroken. However they kissed you and made you promise to try harder to control your urges to hurt the other kids; they taught you to be the bigger person and walk away.

The day had played out like it would have any other day. You woke up, eat breakfast, and then kissed your parents before heading off to school. Nothing was different about that day, except for the fact that it was the first full moon in 7 years. When night came, you were cleaning up and getting ready for bed before you looked out of the bedroom window to stare up at the moon.

That was where everything began to get really fuzzy and you can't remember anything after that.

Next thing you knew, you were laying on a patch of grass, the harsh sunlight filtering down to awaken you from the canopy of the trees. You were only really 6 years old, and you knew right then and there something wasn't right. Sitting up you found out that you were pretty much naked, but there was a feeling in your stomach that completely overtook any kind of rational thought.

It was fear.

You couldn't begin to explain why you were so afraid. You weren't scared of being alone naked in the woods, no that hadn't even began to process just yet. You knew something wasn't right and that was the reason this fear was weighing down on you, threatening to crush your little body. Quickly you ran in the direction of your village and the sight you were met with was clearly the reason for your fear.

Before you was nothing but the desolation of the village. All of the houses were shattered, nothing but ruins. The once happy and cheery place you called home, was destroyed. There was nothing left but ghosts of what it once was.

The sudden feeling of being alone, so completely alone finally hit you. And it hit you like a truck. You hadn't even realized that the tears had begun to stream down your face until your vision began to blur. Falling to your knees you knew that everyone there was dead, and you wished you were dead with them. You felt so scared and alone.

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