Sparring Practice

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After the men had gotten their bloody heads wrapped up and re-positioned on their shoulders, you were finally able to go to the lunchroom to get something to eat. You eat a little bit more than the average person, however you felt as thought you could eat a whole ship at the moment. You had never been so hungry before in your life!

Lifelong habit fell over you and you were about to go over to the food bar to gt something to eat when a large hand grabbed your shoulder and stopped you. Once again you wanted nothing more then to snap and make demands, but you shut up when you saw their confused expressions,

"Where are you going, [y/n]? We are Higher class on this base, we get served. You aren't lower class scum anymore, you are with us and you will dine with us." Vegeta explained, clearly unimpressed with you. You clenched your hand a fist and gave his a bittersweet smile before shrugged Nappa's hand off your shoulder. Great, not only did you have to spend your missions with these assholes, but your training, as well as your meals. Great. Just great. You got no alone time now, which was going to drive you insane.

Following the others over to a round table near the middle you were hesitant to take a seat. You didn't exactly like any of them; Vegeta and Raditz had both already beaten you, and Nappa looked just down right intimidating. Unhappily you took a seat between Raditz and Vegeta. Refusing to look at any of them you sat there staring at the table, your hands neatly folded over one another in your lap.

This was so awkward. You wanted to be able to get your meal and go over to a single table - or even your room - and eat your dinner in peace. Why should you be stuck eating in a public place? Glancing up from your thoughts you saw the food they brought over, they weren't bringing dishes over - goodness no. It looked as though they were bringing out a buffet for your table. Your eyes widened a bit as it came out, unable to believe it. What was even more astonishing was how the dishes had hardly been on the table for a second, before the men were digging into it.

Taking what wasn't being ravished by those pigs, you dished up a plateful of food for yourself. It was more the average person could eat, and you started to eat it. They must have noticed how differently you eat and they slowly stopped eating to look over at you. Instead of concern or even disgust, it was almost as though they were all looking at you with deep concern. This made you lift a brow in question, as you filled your mouth with a large helping of meat.

"Are you sick?" Nappa asked, blurting out.

"I didn't beat you that hard did I?" Raditz added.

By now you were so confused, swallowing your mouthful you looked over at the raven haired prince for answers. He looked like he was closer to understanding then the other two, so you were hoping that he would be able to help. He was silent for a moment before he did a quick glance at your body, before at what you were eating.

"I am just as baffled as they are.. a true Saiyan eats more than the average would in a day, for a single meal. We train and work our bodies so hard we need the extra food to keep going. However, seeing as you aren't exactly well built up and as toned as a normal Saiyan, I guess that would explain the lack of appetite.." he said at last. His conclusion made the other two look at each other with a small, 'aah', before they continued to eat their food. "However, after today you are surely more hungry than that?"

His comment made you upset. Even though he wasn't trying to make a dig at you this time, you just reacted as such by now. Opening you mouth to protest against his comment, you were silenced by the growl of your stomach. Hearing this the prince's lips turned up in a smirk and you glared at him, your cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

"Shut up!" You snapped at him before he could even talk and you grabbed one of the extra bowls and pulled it over, wasting no more time digging into your meal. While the others were still shoveling food into their faces, you were as well - however still managing to keep your normal air of manners somehow. Soon enough the table was filled with nothing but empty dishes piled up on one another. You had managed to eat about three times more than normal, which still had the men looking at you a little sideways.

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