Put 'Em Up!

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After showing off your tail to the others, the rest of the ride went pretty smoothly. Aside from the odd comment from Raditz or Nappa you were left in piece. You remained with your eyes closed, resting; however none of the men had any of your trust, so you did not dare allow sleep to befall you - as much as you so badly needed it.

The introductions and paperwork went by quickly, and you were soon to be shown to your new room. Following the three men, for once in the short time you had known them, thankful for their presence. With them walking next to you down the halls, no one dared to cast a second glance after they got a look at the new person. It felt nice not having perving gazes on you, it was almost serene.

Finally they came to the end of a hall. You looked up at the door and looked over at Vegeta and lifted a brow. He rolled his eyes and handed you the key, which is rudely snatched from his gloved hand. Pushing the key into the lock, and twisting the handle it was quickly pushed it open. It was a small room. It had a bed, tv, a bathroom, a couch and a coffee table. It was so simple, and yet you loved it. It was already a huge improvement over your last room. All I had was a bed, and everyone shared a community shower.

Stepping into the room you flicked the light on so that you could get a better look at your new room. Noticing that the other three men were trailing in behind you, you spun around to glare daggers at them,

"And just what are you guys doing!?" you snap, clearly unamused with their intrusion, your eyes blazing with irritation at the three. It was clear that none of them were really taking you seriously; Nappa just walked past you looking amused, and Raditz rolled his eyes as he walked past.

"Shut it. We are going to help you settle in and get used to the place. However it's not like you will be spending a lot of time in this place anyways. You have more important things to worry about then comfort." the prince sneered as he walked in past you as well. Your fist clenched at your side as you allowed the three Sayian's past. They all seemed to be pleased with your complying, and that made you all the more mad. "Shut the door already, we have a few things to go over with you about our race."

You practically slammed the door shut when the prince ordered you to close it. There he went again, telling you what to do. At this point your patience was starting to run thin, but until you knew you had a chance you had to try and keep your anger caged. Turning around into the room you moved over to a wall and leaned against it, watching the three of them getting comfortable.

Raditz and Vegeta were both sitting on the couch and Nappa was sitting on your bed. You hadn't even had a chance to look around, let alone use any of your new furniture and they were already lounging around like they owned the place.

Unfortunately you were once again back at the bottom of the totem pole, and these men were unfortunately your superiors. Watching as they finally settled down you noticed Nappa was looking your way. The second your eyes glanced over at him, he patted a spot next to him. Sneering at his offer you turned your head away from him in clear rejection. Your action caused the young prince to crack a smile, while Raditz just bust out laughing.

"All joking aside," Vegeta started, casting a glare over at a rather vexed looking Nappa, "We need to know just how much you know about the Saiyan race." Looking over at the prince as he spoke, you were well aware that all eyes were now on you. You had to admit it was a little bit awkward. Shifting around uncomfortably you pondered,

"All I know about our race if what our old commanding officer had told me. He said we were fighters that worked under the rule of Lord Frieza. He also told me that our home planet had been wiped out in a meteor shower, so I just assumed that our entire race was dead. He also often spoke very poorly of us, so I decided it was in my best interest to hide my tail to avoid any extra conflict.." you repeat what you had been told when you were younger, With that you shrugged your shoulders as though it was nothing.

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