Primitive Instincts

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The next few days seemed to go by without much notice. You three had fallen into a routine where you all kinda moved together. Not on purpose, it just kind of happened that way. You would stumble into one of them in the morning before you would go and join the others in the dining hall. Then you had gotten into some more training, advancing what you were learning. Much to your pleasure, you'd been advancing well and they weren't looking down on you nearly as much as when you first met.

However as the days passed, things started to spread out. Vegeta was busy with stuff, and was often missing from the group. It was quiet, and you found it peaceful. You were finally able to take a step back from it all and take a deep breath and just relax.

The halls were busy with the normal traffic. There were no big missions currently, so most of the men on the ship were just kicking back and relaxing - slacking really. Those with some brains, were keeping busy and training or maintaining their gear, getting ready for the next mission. Today was another day without the prince, instead you were making your way down the hall with Raditz.

"Nappa is in the training room. I'm going to head to my room and lay down for a bit. It's not everyday we get this much time to ourselves, I know I could use a nap." he muttered absentmindedly to you as the pair of you made your way down the corridor.

"I suppose I could join Nappa and train a bit. I am still playing catch up after all." you muttered, nonchalantly shrugging.

"You're not doing too bad, got a way to go - but you've come a long way. Besides I gotta admire the choice to work over sleep." he chuckled as his movements slowed as you approached the doors to the training room. "Go kick his butt, wanna hear all the details later." he laughed.

Eyes rolling at his comment you couldn't help but smile. It was a joke, but even so it was getting closer to them admitting you could stand your ground against them, and that caused your pride to flare. Maybe this was some silly saiyan thing, and if it was that just made it all the better.

"Yeah, and when I do I'll make sure to pass the blame to you so you can deal with a grumpy Nappa later." you snickered before turning to punch in the code. "Have a good nap, Raditz - be careful not to drool too much."

To that you got something akin to a grumble as he turned and headed off, leaving you to your own devices for now. A smirk on your lips you stepped into the large room before you. The familiar smells welcoming you along with the soft grunts of the eldest working on his own training.

As the door hissed shut behind you, it was a couple of steps before you were in view of the other. Leaning against the wall while he finished his set, your eyes watched him as he moved. He was definitely the best built out of all of you, and with how much time he spent training it was easy to see why. Twisting he landed kicks and punches to the dummy, causing it to flex and return to attention, only for the process to be repeated again and again.

A few minutes went by like that, just peace as he finished up. Finally he grabbed the dummy he had been striking to steady it. His chest heaving to catch his breath, sweat rolling down from his temple.

"Did you come here just to watch me train? I'm so flattered." he smirked, letting his eyes fall on you. They were soft and joking, but you knew that wasn't all they held, it never was with him. This was something you had come to expect, nothing innocent ever left his lips. No matter how inappropriate the situation was. However you let your eyes meet his for a moment and you shrugged,

"Vegeta is busy, Raditz wanted to have a nap, and I figured training wouldn't be all that bad. I just didn't want to interrupt your set, so don't flatter yourself too much." The response came with a nonchalant shrug, eyes never leaving one another's. There was a pregnant pause between the two of you. The eldest gave a small nod and straightened himself out. His eyes are not shy about taking in your lax pose against the wall.

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