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You had only hear stories of the man, hearing how he ordered people around and slaughtered them on the spot if they displeased him. You also heard the stories about how he was a monstrous tyrant who destroyed planets and enslaved others. You held yourself together however, there was no point in showing fear.

You followed the other three down the hall, noticing as you walked behind them they all had their tails neatly wrapped around their waists. You would do that out of habit, but you also enjoyed keeping it free to express yourself. However seeing just how big of a weakness it was, you copied them and wrapped it around your waist.

They finally came to a door and knocked lightly before the doors hissed open and you all stepped inside. The room was large and held a large window that oversaw the galaxies, in front of the window looked like a floating chair. You had been to busy staring to notice the other three kneel, and you scrambled to do the same. You waited in the silence that seemed to go on forever,

"You lot may rise. I want the full report." he ordered. His voice raspy and impatient. You stood with the others, finally lifting your gaze to fall on the man who sat in the chair. He looked so small in the chair, his skin was mostly white, aside from the odd purple and pink patch. Upon his head were two long horns and his eyes were a solid red that sent shivers along your spine.

He looked nothing like you would have imagined a merciless tyrant. However his stare along was enough to confirm any doubts that you might have had.

"We arrived on the planet in record time. We all split up and searched the planet for him. It seemed pretty empty aside from wild creatures. It took about 45 minutes before we received the transmission from, [y/n] reporting she had found him. By the time we had gotten there things had gotten messy and he continued to resist us. Unfortunately we were forced to use drastic measures to bring him back." Vegeta spoke quickly, however each and every word was precise and clear. You were a little bit surprised at just how serious he had become.

There was a brief moment of silence before Frieza turned his attention to you. His stare caused goosebumps to start to invade your arms, making the hairs at the nape of your neck stand on end. You felt nothing but intimidating fear course through your body but you stood your ground.

"[y/n].." he said, letting your name roll off his tongue as thought giving it a taste, "What prompted the attack?" he questioned. You felt as though your mind ran blank the moment he addressed you. You knew exactly what had happened, the taunts the pain; and yet nothing would come out.

"Well, he just-" Vegeta started, trying to reply in your place.

"Vegeta," the tyrant interrupted instantly. His voice was stone cold and it held a warning,

"Yes, Lord Frieza?"

"I was addressing, [y/n]. I know she is a monkey, but I am sure she can reply for herself just as you can." his words were like venom. While he addressed the other, you could feel the warning behind his words and it sent fear through you again. When he turned back to face you you cleared your throat before you found your voice,

"I found him and alerted the others before I did anything. I approached him with caution, and told him that we were there to save him. I don't really understand what happened, but it's safe to assume he didn't want to be saved. He jumped me and started fighting me, he was weak, and it was clear he hadn't had any practice for some time. He kept indirectly saying he had been manipulated, and I assumed he was trying to avoid whatever it was. However I had a mission so I wasn't about to let him get away."

You reported, leaving out the little bit of his grabbing your tail and reducing you to nothing but a punching bag.

"After that the others arrived and we returned." you concluded, your eyes holding his stare. He seemed to be searching for something, a sense of doubt or anger in your eyes. When he found none he seemed to relax a little bit and he sighed.

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