Chapter 1: The Usual With a Side of Unexpected

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A/N: Hello! I'm here with another fic. Credit to r-evolve-art on Tumblr for the au idea; each soulmate has one half of a quote that is important to their relationship. Some other things to note as well: this fic is set during the 2022-2023 school year, doesn't use the Korean age system, and is age-regressed to fit the college setting. Just like always though, thoughts are represented by italics and are usually in first-person, and flashbacks are indicated by how many years ago they were and are not italicized. Overall, it's very different from I Wished For You, but I really hope you can still give it a chance.

Current ages at the start:

Nayeon (22 turning 23 on September 22, '99 liner)
Jeongyeon (21 turning 22 on November 1, '00 liner)
Momo (21 turning 22 on November 9, '00 liner)
Sana (21 turning 22 on December 29, '00 liner)
Jihyo (21 turning 22 on February 1, 2023, '01 liner)
Mina (21 turning 22 on March 24, 2023, '01 liner)
Dahyun (20 turning 21 on May 28, 2023, '02 liner)
Chaeyoung (19 turning 20 on April 23, 2023, '03 liner)
Tzuyu (19 turning 20 on June 14, 2023, '03 liner)

Just as a warning now, this fic will contain significantly more graphic/mature content than what was present in I Wished For You and is rated as such. So, continue reading at your own risk.

With all of that out of the way, happy reading!


It was an unassuming day in the middle of September. Classes were settling in, the freshmen were struggling to find their way around, the students of the graduate schools were already stressing over whether or not they failed their first exam, all normal happenings at Korea University.

A student at the university-a junior to be exact-was walking to the library after her dance practice was unfortunately canceled. She held her medical science textbook and notebook in her arms, not bothering to put them back in her backpack. She was going to use them again in a few minutes anyway.

Another student-a freshman-was running to her art and design class. She was about five minutes from being late, some rolled-up papers were sticking out of her backpack, a canvas and blueprints were almost about to fall out of her sweaty palms, and she had a worried expression on her face. If there was one word to describe her current predicament, it was "screwed." Absolutely screwed. And the best thing about it was that she already had everything prepared for the design she was supposed to present for her year-long group project today, but she was too busy practicing guitar in her dorm that she lost track of her 15:00 class. So, now she had to run across campus.

"Fuck," the freshman cursed under her breath.

Just when she thought her circumstances couldn't get any worse, the world decided to fuck her over more. She accidentally bumped into the junior and knocked them both over. She dropped what she was holding and saw the junior's books were to the side of her. The junior groaned in pain, surprised by the sudden motion of being bumped into and knocked to the ground. The freshman was lying on top of her.

Luckily, both of them landed in the grass, which broke their fall. She lifted her head and saw a faint but long scar that looked like it started on the junior's wrist and extended close to the quote on her right arm. It read, "...small things with great love." It was the closest end quote she had seen to date.

I was always too busy to care, but something about this makes me feel...interested? Is that the right word?

The junior suddenly coughed loudly and the freshman shook her head in order to wake herself from the trance she found herself in. She pushed herself off the ground, careful not to hurt the junior anymore in the process.

"Holy shit! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" the freshman asked, extending a hand to help the junior up.

The junior accepted the freshman's help. "I'm fine, thank you. Why were you running?"

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