Chapter 8: Two Iced Americanos

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A/N: A few notes: Jaeyoung is a name made up for the story. Usually, if I don't know a character's name I would just make one since I don't like saying [Character's] dad or mom a ton, so I did that here. There's a flashback within this chapter, should be pretty clear. There's mention of the first lyrics of the song "The Nights" by Avicii within the flashback. 

That's all. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Happy reading!

CW: references to past character death


Chaeyoung looked up at the building and then back at her phone to make sure she was in the right place. She read over her texts with Mina.

that cute junior i bumped into

Hey. I've been quite busy lately, but if you're still up for it, I would still like to get that coffee with you sometime.

No problem! You're totally fine. I would like that too. Do you have a place in mind?

Yeah, Sana was telling me that there's this new café on the south side of campus. Apparently, the manager of the bar's soulmate is in charge of it. That's what she told me.

Sounds interesting. What's it called?

Anam Tiger Café. It opened in August.

Is this it?

[Attached photo]

Yep. Are you free on Saturday?

Yeah, I am. Want to meet up in the morning?

Sure. Does 9 sound good?

That's perfect.

Then it's a date. See you then.


Judging by the location she sent, it seemed like she was. Anam Tiger Café. How quaint.

She looked at the time. 8:47. Then the date. Sat, 8 October. Then her wallpaper. A picture her younger sister took of the band performing last year.

She looked up at the building again. "Grand Opening. 20% for all Korea University students," she read the banner draped on the front of it. "These people sure know their demographic," she chuckled.

"Well, are you going to go inside then? Or just admire the architecture?" someone behind her asked, reaching for the door handle.

She turned around to see Mina sporting a soft smile. She stepped aside, allowing her to open the door.

They walked in and were greeted by one of the workers. "Good morning! Welcome! What can I get for you?"

"Just an iced americano, thank you," Mina said.

"The same for me," Chaeyoung said.

"Two iced americanos, got it. That'll be ₩10686.07. Are you paying separately or..." the worker trailed off.

"I got it. I'm also a Korea University student." Mina showed her id to the worker.

"Alright. Then that'll be ₩8548.85."

Mina swiped her card.

That much? For two americanos? Inflation is getting out of hand. Whatever. It was my payback anyway. That lunch probably cost more.

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