Chapter 6: You're My Queen

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A/N: Hey everyone! Happy Holidays!

Just a note: this chapter mentions lyrics from "Queen of Hearts". Jeongyeon's part here is actually Nayeon's, but to fit the members of the band, I had to adapt it a little.

Hope you enjoy!

CW: drinking, sexual harassment, brief mentions of past death


Im Nayeon was nothing if not persuasive. How else would have Mina ended up at a bar on a Thursday night? Her friends certainly had their ways. Nayeon came with the card that it was her birthday, the fact that Mina had flaked on her one too many times before—having to only list a few for the junior to get the point—and the classic soulmate bit. In the end, there was no choice left but for Mina to concede and go along with whatever Nayeon wanted. So, here she was, at: "Anam Tiger Bar and Grill", at 19:00 on a Thursday. Frankly, she would have rather been doing anything else, but she knew she owed Nayeon at least this much.

"Well, isn't this a surprise," Sana said as Mina approached the bar.

"Now, don't get too excited. I'm only here because it's Nayeon's birthday," Mina said.

"Of course. I know you don't drink often, so a visit at work is unlikely, but I am telling your cousin that your only reason is because it's Nayeon's birthday, I'm sure she would appreciate that."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Her band is performing tonight, they were supposed to be performing tomorrow, but weren't able to get the gig. It's their first performance of the new school year. Perhaps that's why Nayeon dragged you out here."

"Wait, really? I mean, I've listened to some of their music, but I've never seen them perform before, so I don't really know what to expect."

"Ah, you're in for a treat then. Do you want a drink?"

Mina knew Sana mostly asked that out of courtesy as a bartender, but she actually did want a drink for once. She thought it would help her escape her problems for the time being, especially because alcohol lowered people's inhibition. Since this was the last place she wanted to be, the least she could do was make it more bearable by drinking a little. This was a bar after all.

"Sure. Just a bottle of soju is fine."

Sana raised an eyebrow, but did her job, passing Mina a bottle of soju. She knew she wasn't really allowed to question it anyway. Everyone had their reasons for drinking. A few moments later, Nayeon walked over.

"You're actually drinking," Nayeon observed.

"Well, this is a bar. I might as well make the most of it," Mina said unenthusiastically as she took another sip of her soju.

"Yeah, got the hint. But, come on, can't you at least try to enjoy yourself? I even got Miss Student Council President herself to come."

Mina rolled her eyes with a small smile. "Must've been easy, Miss Vice President."

"Not at all. I probably had to try just as hard to get her here as you. She had very good arguments, so it took some more time to convince her. You, on the other hand, are just stubborn, so when things you can't refute are laid out in front of you, you fold pretty easily."

Mina knew she probably should've been offended by that statement, but Nayeon was right. She had plenty of resolve and was stubborn beyond belief, but when people start tearing her down with irrefutable logic and patience, she easily crumbled. That was why her friends were so persuasive. They picked up on her passive nature in that way quite quickly.

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