Chapter 9: Of Rain and First Times

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A/N: Prepare yourselves. Hope you all enjoy this chapter!

TW: references to past character death and domestic abuse


Biking was never the most efficient form of transportation. Chaeyoung knew that, but she did it anyway. She biked 40 kilometers to the place her dad rested in, taking four times the amount of time driving would have. All because of a rule she made for herself. Her dad died in a car accident, so she vowed not to drive on the day of his death. She was aware of how difficult that made things, but she couldn't care less. She was anything but not devoted.

She dismounted her bike and locked it in the nearest rack. She looked at her phone, her wallpaper now being a picture she took of her and Mina's hands outstretched holding their americanos from when they went out a couple of weeks ago. The time read 15:43. The bike took about two and a half hours, not bad. She still had a good amount of time to spend here.

Clutching the straps of her guitar case, she walked to her dad's grave, desperately hoping she didn't accidentally crush the flowers she packed inside alongside her guitar. Luckily, as she kneeled by his grave and unzipped the case, the flowers were unharmed. She took them out with both hands and laid them at the foot of the grave. That always made her tear up.

"How are you, dad? I hope you're well," she said, voice shaky.

She knew that her dad couldn't respond, but she imagined he would've said that he was well and that he missed her just as much as she missed him. It was a nice thought at least. She closed her eyes, taking in the moment, embracing the tears as they fell. They were a reminder that she still felt the sadness of it all.

Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice she hadn't heard in a while. "Unnie!" Hyeju. Her younger sister. She wiped her tears and smiled up at her, putting on a brave face.

She then noticed someone standing next to Hyeju. She recognized the face. Hyeju introduced them before. Park Chaewon. Hyeju's soulmate.

"Hey," Chaeyoung greeted.

"Hey." Hyeju waved. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. How are you?"

"I'm doing the best I can, you know what day it is."


Hyeju and Chaewon laid down a bouquet of flowers in front of the grave together. Chaeyoung was happy for them. She thought they were good together. They had the kind of love that she desired to have someday. A true connection.

She looked at the quote on her arm. The only thing she had to associate it with anymore was the day she was late to class, the day she tripped and fell, the day she met her. Maybe that was exactly what she got for not caring so much before, now she couldn't get the girl off her mind. Was this the world telling her something? She shook her head. Even if it was, what was she supposed to do about it? It wasn't like she could force someone to have feelings.

She stared at the grave, as if her dad had the answers. He didn't. All she could do was imagine that he did. "Just go for it. What do you have to lose?" She imagined her dad asking. He always gave the best advice. She really wished she could have talked with him more.

"You're Chaeyoung, right? I'm sorry for your loss," Chaewon said.

Chaeyoung smiled bitterly. "It's okay. It's not your fault. I'm happy my sister found someone like you to take care of her. Just promise me you'll keep each other safe, okay?"

"I promise."

"Thank you."

"Hey, Chae. I think you should go home. I don't want your parents to get worried," Hyeju said.

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