Chapter 4: A Lunch "Date"

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A/N: Just a note, I couldn't find much about how Korea University's meal plan system worked. All I know is that their cafeteria, also called KU Restaurant, is on the first floor of their Student Union. So, I modeled this after my university's meal plan system. You pay for a meal plan that's attached to your student ID and you can use that in any of the dining halls, one meal swipe=all you can eat in the dining halls for that meal, and you can also use an additional guest swipe to pay for a friend or family member's meal as well.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

CW: discussions about sex and past relationships


They may have only met two days ago, but Mina recognized that voice. It was, at least to her, unmistakable. She looked at the board again, a penguin, dancing shoes, and a stethoscope. Sure, there may have been other people who fit that, she wasn't the only person interested in the medical field who also danced, and was represented by a penguin. But, for a moment she really wanted to believe that the bracelet on the board was actually a symbolization of her, and that scared her. She never really gave it much thought before, but the moment she heard that voice she found herself getting lost in the idea of a simple drawing on a whiteboard. How stupid. She wasn't about to lose her bet with her cousin over this, it was literally only the second class.

"Hey, are you okay?" Momo asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, don't worry," Mina responded.

That was such a lie, something was clearly bothering her, but Momo knew better than to press. They just packed up and started walking out of class. But just as she was about to push open the door to the classroom, someone suddenly grabbed Mina's wrist. She yelped as that was the wrist her scar originated from and tried prying out of their surprisingly strong grip. The other person just pulled. She gave Momo an apologetic look and she understood, walking out of the classroom.

The other person then let go. "Oh my god, I'm such a screw-up! Why did I do that? That's the arm your quote is on, right? Your scar? Gosh, I can't do anything right. Some top student I was. I'm sorry, again. I guess I owe you something more now," they rambled.

It was once again that unmistakable voice. The same one that claimed they owned that bracelet. Mina was definitely in a bad position now. She stayed—against her better judgment—with her feet firmly planted on the ground, even if her head screamed for her to run.

She slowly turned around and let out a sigh of resignation. "Yes, that was the arm you grabbed, the same one you saw when we bumped into each other. I'm perceptive too, you know. So, now that you've got my attention, what do you plan to do with it? Son Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung decided to ask a question herself. "Do you have any other classes today?"

"You're lucky I don't, this was my only one today."

"Then meet me at KU Restaurant at 12:30. I owe you after all."

"You're so interesting, going to so much effort for this. I'll see you then." Mina finally walked out of the classroom.

Chaeyoung let out the breath she was holding. The environment around them during that conversation was far tenser than she expected it to be. She had also just been called "interesting." Whether it was a compliment or not, she didn't know, but she felt strangely proud that she was able to elicit that sort of reaction from the junior.

I guess I didn't need to text her then, huh? We happen to share a class together, the soulmate class of all of them. That's even more interesting. 


It turned out that they both liked to be early. The time was 12:25 and they happened to run into each other in front of the dining hall at the same time. That was good, punctuality was something they viewed as important.

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