Chapter 12: The Bassist

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A/N: I honestly don't know where I was going with this, guess I just wanted to write a chapter about Momo. So, here it is. Hope you enjoy!


Momo scrolled through her Instagram feed while sitting in class. She hadn't checked social media in a while due to being caught up with work, so imagine her surprise when the first post she saw was an engagement announcement from a week ago from a certain @nayeonyny captioned with a very cliché and cheesy "she said yes!" tagging @jy_piece in the photo. The photo had over 10000 likes. She looked at the comments and saw that all of her friends already gave their congratulations. The top comment was from her cousin, @mina_sr_my: "No need to thank me. Congratulations!" She put her phone down when the professor started talking, but didn't really pay attention.

She and Jeongyeon had been in a band together for three years; this was how she found out why the rest of the members congratulated her at practice the other day? She thought she deserved better than that. She was their only real choice for bass, after all.


Three years ago

A poster for a band looking for a bassist caught Momo's attention. She had been playing the bass as a hobby for years, so getting the chance to showcase the skill appealed to her. The poster said an audition would be held at the performing arts center on Friday the 20th of September at 18:30. That was this Friday. She took a photo of the poster and went to class.

While sitting in class, she imagined she was at the audition playing a song on her bass. Once she finished, the people judging the audition would say she was in and that would be the end of it. It was a nice thought, at least.

She spaced out for most of the class, wanting to be anywhere but there, until they were assigned practice problems and she worked on those for the remainder of the time. She liked math, don't get her wrong, but this professor bored her out of her mind, so doing practice problems and worksheets were the only real things she enjoyed about the class. If only she bothered to check the professor's reviews before signing up, classic freshman mistake.

The class was dismissed, but she didn't notice and just continued working on her assigned problems. She finished and looked up to see only the professor left in the room.

"Sorry, was class dismissed already?" Momo asked the professor, Professor Jeon.

"Ten minutes ago, Momo-ssi. I have to go to my next class now. Have a nice day." Professor Jeon took his bag and left the classroom.

Momo packed up as quickly as she could and ran out of the classroom just before other students started walking in. She let out a sigh of relief. That was about to be embarrassing, unintentionally sitting in on a class she wasn't in. Although, it might've been more interesting than Professor Jeon's lectures. She shook her head. There was no time to think about that right now. She needed to finish a couple of assignments and then brush up on her bass for that audition on Friday.


"Anam Performing Arts Center," Momo read the sign on the building.

"That it is," someone behind her chuckled.

Momo turned around to see a girl who looked to be around the same age as her. "Who are you?"

"Jeongyeon, and you?" she asked.

"Momo, nice to meet you. I'm here to audition for a band. I really fall into the freshman stereotype, don't I? Looking confused as hell outside a part of campus I've never been to." She pulled out her phone and opened the photo of the poster she took the other day. "Do you know where this is?" She pointed to the room.

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