Chapter 7: Rumors

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A/N:'s been a while, but here's an update. I'll say a bit more at the end. Hope you enjoy.

TW: references to drugs and sexual assault


"Did you hear that that girl only got in because the admin pitied her?" a student gossiped, angling her head towards Chaeyoung who sat in front of them.

"Yeah. I heard from a grad student that it was because her sister, I think her name is Son Seungwan, got kicked out of the choir because she was caught doing drugs, and actually almost got kicked out of the university for the same. They said she was lucky she even got to graduate," their friend replied.

"Damn, really? I had no idea it was that bad."

"Yeah, it's terrible. I even heard she moved out of South Korea after she graduated to get away from it all."

Chaeyoung thought she'd be used to it. "Son Seungwan's sister." Sure, she was, but she was also her own person. Being compared to her sister was something she expected, but it still bothered her. Was that how she was recognized? Was that why she was here? Because they pitied her? That only made her feel bad, because if that was the case, all the work she put in meant nothing. All the effort she put in to set herself apart was for naught. She simply couldn't accept that.

"My name is Chaeyoung. I think it'll serve you well to remember that," she spoke up. "Who are you?"

"Oh, I–I'm sorry. My name is Kim Jiwoo," the student who spoke last said.

"Kim Jungeun," Jiwoo's friend said.

"Nice to meet you. What are your guy's majors?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Sociology," Jiwoo said.

"Chemistry," Jungeun said.

"That's cool. I'm an art and design major. So, Jiwoo, do you happen to know someone named Kim Dahyun? She's also a sociology major," Chaeyoung said.

"I do!" Jiwoo exclaimed.

"I don't think she'd be too fond of you gossiping about me."

"You know her too?"

"She's one of my closest friends."

"Oh. I'm sorry, again."

"It's okay."

"I'm sorry too. It won't happen again," Jungeun said.

"Thank you," Chaeyoung said.

"We'll stay out of your way," Jiwoo said.

"I appreciate that, but it was really only an honest mistake. I'm sure you didn't mean any ill will by it."

"We shouldn't have even believed those rumors in the first place. I'm sure you got in because of your own talent."

"I would think so."

"Can we be friends?"

"I don't see why not, you seem like nice people. Just don't go gossiping behind other people's backs."


Luckily, the clock struck 10:00 and the professor started their lecture, saving the three freshmen from any further conversation. What a start to their day that was.


"Do you know her? Apparently, she came here to escape her family in Japan," a student said to their friend, gesturing towards Mina who was studying quietly.

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