Chapter 11: Marry Me

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A/N: Hello! This one's for my 2yeon fans! Hope you enjoy!


An alarm rang. Chaeyoung groaned. She grabbed her phone, turning it off. 9:15. Tue 1 November. She sat up in the bed, observing how much more comfortable it was than what she was used to. Sunlight flooded through a window, illuminating the unfamiliar room. A desk filled with textbooks and papers in front of the bed in the right corner of the room, a closet to the left of the bed, what looked to be a connected bathroom in front of the bed, slightly to the left, a mounted T.V. on the wall in front of the bed, above a shelf that held two game consoles with their controllers and some games, some art pieces she recognized hanging on the wall to the left and right of the window, and a shelf with completed lego sets above the closet door.

She stood up and looked down at herself. The same clothes she was wearing last night. She looked above the bed. A painting of a group of penguins, some on icebergs, others swimming.

"Who's room is this? How did I end up here?" She felt the onset of a pounding headache as she racked her brain trying to remember what happened. "Ah, I went to that Halloween party and ended up drunk. I woke up hungover somewhere that's not my dorm. I hate when I'm right sometimes.

"So, this is Mina's room, huh? Yeah, it matches her. She does have a couple of spots that could use something. Maybe one day I will see my art here."

She put on her shoes and walked into the kitchen. She was surprised to see that Mina was still here.

"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Mina asked, grabbing something out of a cupboard. "My roommates have a 10:00 class, so you just missed them. Lucky, huh?"

"My head is killing me. But, yeah, that's lucky. I wouldn't want to explain any of this to them," Chaeyoung said.

Mina slid a bowl of ramyun, a glass of water, and a bottle of painkillers in front of Chaeyoung. "Thought so."

"Thank you, but..."

Mina handed her a pair of chopsticks and a soup spoon. "I got you. Just eat and then take one."

"What about you?"

"You drank more than I did. But, don't worry about me, I ate and took one earlier. I was making this for you in case you woke up after I left, but that turned out not to be the case. I'll sit by you though. I can see you to your dorm before I go to class too, if you want."

"I would like that. Thank you."

"It's no problem. You're my soulmate, right?" Mina laughed.

Chaeyoung covered her face. "That was so embarrassing. I can't believe I did that."

"I liked it. I like when someone leads me. You saved me from my ex again too. I kind of wish it was for real."

"Is this your way of asking me out?"

Mina got up after she noticed Chaeyoung was done with her meal. "On what? The third date? We should just be together already." She grabbed her backpack.

Chaeyoung took a painkiller, chasing it with water. "I like the straightforwardness." She washed out the bowl, glass, and utensils. "Where did this come from?"

"Nayeon wants to propose."

"What? Did I hear that right? Did you just say-"

"Nayeon wants to propose. Yes, you heard that right. Now, don't go spilling it." Mina opened the door. "Are you coming?"

Chaeyoung just nodded as she walked out of the apartment. Mina locked the door behind her. They walked to Chaeyoung's dorm building.

"I'll see you later." Mina kissed Chaeyoung's cheek. "Think about what I said, okay?" She waved goodbye and walked to her class as Chaeyoung gave a farewell and walked inside the dorm building.

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