Chapter 2: I Just Wanted Your Attention

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A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter and have an amazing day!

Also, stream Talk That Talk for a better life :)


Chaeyoung was distracted. It was impossible for her to pay attention to her Korean requisite class with the girl she met yesterday invading her mind. Even though she knew paying her back was unnecessary, she still felt extremely distraught over accidentally bumping into her and knocking them over. She wanted to at least treat her to a meal as a proper apology for her clumsiness.

Her friend, fellow bandmate, and business administration major, Chou Tzuyu saw her mindlessly doodling. She knew what that meant. After five years of knowing each other, she understood her mannerisms. Doodling was something Chaeyoung did when she was either bored or her mind was on something completely unrelated to the current topic. Today, it had to be the latter, because their current topic was actually decently interesting.

"What's on your mind?" Tzuyu asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Chaeyoung unintentionally snapped.

Tzuyu put her arms up in mock surrender. "Whoa, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today or something?"

"Or something. I met this really pretty junior yesterday, well more so, bumped into them. I just want to give them a proper apology."

"Ah, no wonder you seem so out of it today. Did you at least apologize with words?"

"Of course, I did. But for some reason, this time, that doesn't feel like enough."

"Finally found your soulmate, perhaps?"

Chaeyoung sighed and fiddled with the chain of her necklace hidden underneath her shirt. "I don't know. Maybe?"

Tzuyu's eyes widened at that. "Really?"

"I know. I usually tune out to conversations regarding soulmates. It's just that this encounter was so weird. It felt like time stopped for a moment after I landed on top of them. Their quote was the closest one I've seen as well."

"Huh, interesting. What is the quote?"

"The entire quote is, 'Love is doing small things with great love.'"

"That's a quote if I've ever heard one. Damn, Chae. You've got to see them again now."

"But all I know about them is their name, that they're a junior, and that they take medical science."

"This might just be a coincidence, but Momo and Sana's roommate is a medical science major and a junior."


"Yep, was their name Mina by any chance?"

"Out of everyone, their roommate had to be the person I bumped into?" Chaeyoung ruffled her hair in frustration. "I'm screwed, I'm so screwed."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. From what I've heard, she's really nice, perhaps a bit quiet and introverted, but I feel like she's exactly the kind of person you would be into."

"Huh? How would you know?"

"I can just tell. Your type is pretty easy to read."

"Am I really that obvious?"

"Yeah, just a tad." Tzuyu made a gesture with her index finger and thumb showing a bit of space between them.

Chaeyoung just shook her head and started to pay attention to what the professor was saying. She decided that was better than mindlessly doodling in the corner of her notebook. Sure, art was her passion and sometimes her means of funneling distraction or disinterest, but she was also a high-achieving student. She was the president of the art club for two years in high school, graduated fourth in her class, got accepted to all three of the SKY Universities among other prestigious universities in the country as well as outside of it, and the guitarist of a decently popular indie band formed when she was in her first year of high school.

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