Chapter 19: The End Is Just A New Beginning

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They had made it. Jeongyeon, Momo, and Sana sat in the stadium among the rest of Korea University's graduating class of 2023 wearing red caps and gowns. All of their effort in obtaining their degrees paid off. The many sleepless nights spent studying for tests, the many tears shed, the many laughs had, all led to this moment.

So, while sitting for hours hearing names being called and watching people walk across a stage wasn't anyone's particular idea of fun, they still did it. They earned this right, so they were going to make the most of it.

"Good evening, everyone, those in the audience, whether they be fellow students, alums, family, or friends, and to those sitting right in front of us, our beautiful graduating class! For those who don't know me, I'm your student council president, Park Jihyo. I'm starting my senior year next semester and I'm studying political science," she paused and smiled when she heard some people cheer at the mention of her name and political science before continuing, "We're so very proud of all of our graduates sitting here today. You all worked so hard to get here, and you more than deserve your spot. So, after a few words from the university president, we'll finally start recognizing all of you! Thank you so much for your patience!" She handed off the microphone.

The president of the university introduced himself and gave his speech. He talked about how happy he was to be a part of the students' journey, how proud he was of their achievements, and how much he was looking forward to seeing them grow in their future endeavors. It was all the same stuff that was normally heard at graduations, but everyone still clapped for him after he finished.

A couple of minutes later, the first college was announced and names started being called in alphabetical order. There was a lot of clapping and some particularly loud cheering from close friends and family when they heard a certain name called. Even Jeongyeon, Momo, and Sana cheered for some people they recognized as they were called. It was a nice gesture for the graduate to hear the support others had for them.

It took some time to reach Jeongyeon's college, but when she heard it announced, she shifted in her seat, suddenly feeling nervous. What if she walked too fast or too slow? What if she tripped over herself? What if she held the diploma the wrong way during the picture?

She shook her head to rid those thoughts, and took a deep breath as she fidgeted with her engagement ring. The ring reminded her that she had so much love and support behind her. Thus, she was going to walk with conviction. If she messed up, then it was just going to be another funny story to tell over a family meal.

"Last, but certainly not least from the College of Engineering, graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor's of Science in Biomedical Engineering, Yoo Jeongyeon," Jihyo announced.

Jeongyeon walked across the stage and smiled as she heard cheers, the loudest being Nayeon. She grabbed her diploma and turned to the photographer who took her photo. Thankfully, there were no mishaps, and many of her friends from the Engineering department gave her congratulations as she walked back to her seat.

More colleges and departments were called, and eventually, they got to Momo and Sana's college, the College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology. Momo was called first as her surname was closer to the beginning of the alphabet.

"Graduating magna cum laude with a Bachelor's of Science in Food and Resource Economics, Hirai Momo," Kim Jongin, one of the student council secretaries announced.

Momo walked across the stage and received her diploma, getting photographed with it as she heard cheers for her, namely from a certain couple sitting in the stands and a couple of people sitting some meters away. She smiled as she returned to her seat.

Sometime after, Sana's name was called.

"Graduating cum laude with a Bachelor's of Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Minatozaki Sana," Lee Minho, one of the student council treasurers announced.

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