Chapter 17: Trip to Busan

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A/N: Happy reading!

CW: references to death and abuse, sexual content


Mina slung her small duffel bag onto her shoulder and walked out of her apartment. She looked at her phone. 6:55. It took fifteen minutes to walk to the train station. She was told to meet Chaeyoung at 7:15, so she gave herself some extra time. As she walked, she listened to some music to help herself fully wake up. Around 5 songs later, she ended up at the train station. She looked at her phone again. 7:10. Looking around, she saw Chaeyoung standing in the distance wearing what looked to be a travel backpack. She walked closer and saw her holding two train tickets.

"Good morning!" Chaeyoung greeted. "Happy birthday! How are you?"

"Good morning. I'm doing good, thank you! How are you?" Mina asked.

"I'm great!"

"So, where are we going?"

"Didn't I tell you? It's a surprise!"

"You better not be planning to kidnap me or something."

"I think you watch too many thriller movies," Chaeyoung laughed.

Mina chuckled. "Maybe."

A few minutes later, a train arrived. They boarded and found two seats next to each other. After riding for about twenty minutes, they arrived at Seoul Station.

"We have to transfer here," Chaeyoung said. "I'm going to buy the tickets. Just stick with me, okay?"

"Got it!" Mina gave a thumbs up.

They got up and out of the train. Mina followed behind Chaeyoung as she went to get another set of train tickets. She soon figured out where they were going from all the signs around the station as they walked.

Ah. Busan! I've never been. I've heard so many things about it though. It seems like such a beautiful city.

"I'm sure you've figured out where we're going by now. The train will be here in a few minutes," Chaeyoung said.

"I have a pretty good idea," Mina said.

The train rolled into the station. Once the doors opened, and after some passengers disembarked, they got on. Finding a spot to sit was pretty easy, given the train was relatively empty due to it being pretty early in the morning.

"Busan seems like a beautiful place," Mina said as the train started moving.

"I've been a handful of times, and it really is. Consider this me paying you back for Kobe. I know it's only a weekend trip, but I hope that's enough," Chaeyoung said.

"That's more than enough. You know you don't need to pay me back for anything."

"I know. I just want to treat you too sometimes."

"And is that what you're doing now?"


"So, what plans do you have?"

"How about I tell you when we get there?"


They rode the rest of the way in comfortable silence as they both took turns taking a nap. The first half of the ride or so, Chaeyoung took a nap as Mina watched the scenery outside the window while stroking Chaeyoung's hair, and for the second half, they switched roles.

"Hey, we're here," Chaeyoung said.

Mina lifted her head and looked out the window. They were stopped at the station. "That we are."

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