Chapter 15: In Japan

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A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this! Hope you enjoy!

TW: reference to past rape/non-con 


Around a month had passed since Mina's soulmate realization had come to pass. She was now on a flight back home to Japan to spend the winter break with her family. This was going to be the first time she visited home since she moved abroad to attend university. Two years was a long time to go without seeing her family in person, but it was good for her to get away from everything. Choosing to attend Korea University over her original first choice, Osaka University, was the best decision of her life. She looked next to her. Correction: second best decision. Her best decision was undoubtedly being with the person sitting next to her. She leaned her head on Chaeyoung's shoulder as they watched a movie together on her small phone screen while sharing a pair of earbuds.

A couple of hours later, the pilot announced that they were going to be landing shortly. And, some minutes later, they watched through the window as the wheels of the plane touched down on the pavement of Osaka Kansai International Airport.

When they got to the gate, they unbuckled themselves and stretched before getting up. They grabbed their carry-ons from the overhead bin and walked off the plane and into the airport. While walking to the baggage claim to get the rest of their luggage, they made small conversation about the plans they had for their two weeks in Japan. Once they got their luggage, they walked out of the airport and caught a limousine bus to the Kobe-Sannomiya train station from where they walked the rest of the way to Mina's house.

It was a pretty modest two-story house considering how rich Mina's family was, but to Chaeyoung, it looked like a mansion in comparison to her house in Seoul. She admired the exterior architecture, finding it picturesque.

Mina rang the doorbell. "Didn't figure you'd like my house that much."

"It's pretty, much bigger than my own house," Chaeyoung said.

"You know, we can probably afford a house three times as big as this, but that's a bit excessive, don't you think? What does one even do with that much space? Even this house is a bit big for only four people."

Chaeyoung was about to respond but the door opened.

" it really you? You're really here?" Akira asked.

Mina smiled. "I'm really here, papa."

Akira hugged her tightly, just to make sure she wasn't a hallucination. "Welcome home." He teared up. "And who's this next to you?"

Chaeyoung bowed. "Son Chaeyoung, nice to meet you, Dr. Myoui. I'm your daughter's soulmate," she spoke in almost perfect Japanese.

"Really now?" Akira looked at Mina, to which she just nodded. He smiled. "Just call me Akira. Dr. Myoui is for my students. Or rather, call me Papa too."

"Thank you."

"Come in! It's cold."

They walked into the house and noted that it was much warmer compared to the outside. It was like a warm embrace. Chaeyoung thought the interior was far more extravagant than the exterior. She saw an art piece she remembered vividly hanging on a wall in the living room.

In high school, she entered a national art competition and surprisingly won, thus going on to represent South Korea in an international competition in which she got seventh. The top ten in the competition got a certain amount of prints of their artwork that were sold on a first come first serve basis. First place got 100, second place got 90, third place got 80, and so on.

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