Chapter 18: Open Mic

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A/N: Here are the final two chapters! Happy reading!

Just a note: This chapter contains lyrics to Sunmi's Full Moon.


"Open Mic, featuring The No Jams. The 21st-23rd of April. 18:30-22:00," Sana read the poster before hanging it up. "Sounds interesting."

"Chae's idea," Dahyun said.

"Figures, her birthday lands within that time frame."

"Do you think you can convince your roommate to sing?"

"Dahyun, Dahyun, Dahyun." Sana shook her head in disappointment. "I thought you knew me better than that! We are pushing her onto that stage whether she likes it or not!"

Dahyun smiled. "So, what are you thinking?"

"Probably the same thing you are."

"Same time, then?"

"1, 2, 3," Dahyun and Sana counted. "A duet!" they exclaimed in unison.

"Yes! We're so making it happen," Dahyun said.

"It's going to be so fun," Sana said.

Dahyun high-fived Sana. "You know it!"


Mina had a great voice, everyone who knew her well knew that. The thing was publicly displaying it. She was confident in her dancing, but her singing? Not so much. So, even though everybody has told her that she should sing in an open mic someday, and showcase her skills, she never built the courage to.

Maybe, this time it could be different. Momo and Sana were very good at convincing her when they told her about the open mic. It was on the weekend, so no classes, it was a no-judgment zone, so she didn't have to worry about that, and it was in collaboration with the band. That was all she really needed to hear. The band. That meant she could do a duet if she wanted to.

"I'll do it. Sunday, 17:00. A duet," Mina said.

Momo and Sana gave her knowing smiles. They knew exactly who she was going to do it with. This was the exact outcome they wanted.

"Hell yeah!" they exclaimed in unison.

"Do you know what song you want to do?" Momo asked.

Mina shook her head. She honestly hadn't thought that far. The next few days in between were the time she had to figure that out. The song itself wasn't really the problem though. It was the performance aspect that worried her.

"You could easily participate in the talent show as a singer too, you know? You've got a great voice, honey." My mom told me that when I was already planning on doing it with the dance team back in high school. I remember shrugging it off, I just wasn't that confident. Hell, even now, I'm not so sure why I agreed to this. I wish I could blame her, but I really can't, this is my own choice. There's no way I'm going to back out now. I made a commitment.

"I have an idea." Sana pulled out her phone and put on a song, turning it to full volume so the other two could hear properly.

"There's no need for words right now," a woman's voice sang through the phone speaker. "'Cause our eyes are talking. Don't talk, there's no need for words." It was a love song, but masked by a more upbeat sound rather than a ballad. "Gently approach my moist lips and kiss me. The obvious words of 'I love you' feel special tonight."

The meaning of the song was heard clearly. From lyrics like, "Just think about us, this night is long," to "Darling, when the full moon rises, give me your love," everything within it screamed a confession. It felt like it was written with someone special in mind.

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