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I was running through camp with a torch looking in every tent, shaking my head I moved to the next tent opening it to find Clarke "You're up?" I asked surprised. Clarke gets up and exits her tent. "Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep." She muttered angrily.

"Raven's flares will work." I told her confidently she stopped and looked at me "Her radio would've worked better." She murmured, I shook my head focusing on what I was doing "Have you seen Octavia and Rachel?" I asked impatiently, "No. It's Rachel and Octavia. They're probably chasing butterflies."

I shook my head and stopped her from walking "Clarke, I've checked the camp. They're not here." Clarke sighed and nodded before speaking "Ok. I'll help you find them. Let's check again. You go to the dropship. I'll check the rest of the tents." I nodded "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Rachel and Octavia." She stated walking off I shook my head but ran off to continue my search.



Octavia and I seemed to have come too around the same time, we both sighed in relief to see each other, Octavia winced in pain as she moved and saw her leg. A bone poking out by her knee.

I gagged at the sight.

I looked at my legs and saw that they were not broken and moved them slowly wincing at some tender spots. I looked to my wrists and saw that I was not tied or cuffed to anything.

My attention was shifted when Octavia groaned in pain as she tried to stand up "No don't. It's broken. You'll hurt yourself more." I said weakly she nodded before huffing.

I went to sit up more but grunted as I went to look down Octavia stopped me "Don't look at it, you'll get sick at the sight." I grimaced but didn't dare to look "Is it broken?" I asked Octavia nodded and I whined as all of a sudden I felt the pain hit me.

Our eyes snapped up when we saw the grounder that captured us enter the cave, Octavia and I made noises and scrambled the best we could closer together and away from the man, once we were backed into a corner he eyed our injuries before pulling my leg and dragging me to him causing Octavia to scream and beg for him to leave me alone.

The grounder pulled out a blade blazed in orange, he had heated the blade up I brought my hands to my face instinctly to my face but my face is paled as I caught sight of my left arm all bloody and a bone almost popping out from the wrist and my fore arm bent to a curve.

I immediately felt dizzy as I looked at my broken arm and wrist I felt a wave of nausea as I eyed it and then I passed out again.



"Hey, everybody, gather around and grab a weapon. My sister and Rachel have been out there alone for 12 hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without them." I shouted grabbing what I needed. I walked over to Jasper who had grabbed a weapon.

"Clarke, I need to do this." Jasper told her I nodded at him "We need all the people we can get." I looked around "We need a tracker." I muttered to myself before turning my body to Finn's tent.

"Finn. Get out here." I shouted at him. I walked over to the group by the gate all weaponed up and ready to leave "Finn, we're leaving." I shouted getting impatient, I heard him shout he was coming before he emerged from his tent.

I went to head for the gate when everyone started shouting to look at the sky I paused and allowed my self to watch as many bright lights cascaded down from the sky "They didn't work. They didn't see the flares." Raven said sadly which caused me to tear my gaze away from the sky.

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