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Octavia was now sat by my side and pressing the cloth down on my cut and handing me water every now and then, Bellamy, Finn, and Clarke were with Raven. Raven just finished screaming as Clarke pulled the heated blade away from the hole where the bullet entered her body. 

"That should stop the external bleeding." Clarke told everyone as she set the blade down. "I don't understand. How did Murphy get a gun?" "Long story." Bellamy said looking down at the ground, "We got lucky. If Murphy hit the fuel tank instead of Rachel and I. we'd all be dead." Raven spoke as she sat up a bit.

"Wait, there's rocket fuel down there? Enough to build a bomb?" Clarke asked looking between Raven and I, "Enough to build 100 bombs... if we had any gunpowder left." She grumbled as she laid back down.

Octavia brought my attention back to her shaking her head as she lifted up the cloth and sighed "Clarke she is still bleeding." Clarke nodded and ran over "You feeling ok?" I looked at her and smiled "I told her she shouldn't talk, when she does the bleeding gets worse."

Clarke nodded at Octavia as Clarke went and lifted the cloth up, Clarke wiped the blood up and put some alcohol on a cloth and dabbed at my wound causing me to wince in pain as it started to sting. Clarke smiled at me the look in her eyes saying she was sorry.

"I could stitch this up but the grounders are coming we don't have time, I'm going to have to cauterize it like I did to Raven." Finn nodded and went to clean and heat the blade up again while Octavia held the cup of water in my view as I slowly nodded.

Octavia put her hand behind my neck and gently helped me raise my head from the bed I was on, She took her other hand and brought the cup to my lips as I took small sips. Octavia pulled the cup away and sat it down and gently rested my head back down on the bed.

Finn came back with the knife a blazing orange color from how hot it had gotten, knowing what was to happen next seeing the color made me calm, but that soon left as Octavia and Bellamy held down my upper half and Finn held my lower half still Clarke came into view.

"Do you want something to bite down on?" I nodded and she quickly put a cloth into my mouth as she apologized before putting the hot blade just by my eyebrow, I bit down hard on the cloth in my mouth, my eyes screwed shut tightly as I screamed threw the cloth I was biting on.

I could hear the blade crackle against my temple and sizzle every now and then when suddenly a wave of burnt skin hit my nose making my stomach churn, I was screaming so loud but slowly as the heated blade was kept on my head the noise around me quietened ever so slightly and white dots started to appear in my vision.

The blade was lifted from my head as everything hit me all at once, the hearing was back to normal, the pain from my head being burnt, the dull ache from when the bullet cut my head, the smell of burnt skin, my vision coming back clearer. They all hit me all at once sending me into a spiral, I quickly shot up to one side and leaned my head over the edge of the bed as I threw up.

Someone grabbed my strawberry blonde hair and held it out of my face as I got sick, the same person holding my hair started to run their hand up and down my back. "It's ok, you're ok. Just let it out." Bellamy. Had been the one to spring into action and take care of me soon after I was finished I laid back down slowly and groaned.

Octavia quickly wiped my mouth and offered me water to which I great fully accepted as I washed the taste of vomit down and soothed my scratchy throat, "It's all over now." Octavia smiled down to me I smiled back.

"Uh, I hate throwing up. It scares me." Finn looked over at me confused "You're afraid of throwing up?" I nodded "Yeah one time when I was younger I was sick, I was throwing up for like five minutes straight it felt like I was suffocating and I was trying to breathe and throw up at the same time. I thought I was going to die. Ever since then I've been afraid."

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