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                                  Gon POV

   Four hours of sleep is all that finds me for the night. But even with little energy I manage to get myself swiftly out the door and ready for formation. Leorio wasn't far behind but the drinking from hours prior where still hitting him.

"Of all the things. I regret last night." He says with a hand to his head. "Please tell me mate. I didn't air my dirty laundry did I?"

"You made a arse of yourself but otherwise, no."

"Me head is blummin' pounding. Next time I'm listening to you."

"Just be glad I gave you some water before you crashed. You would probably be worse off if I hadn't."

  We stand at attention as the rest of the platoon files out. Stoller and Van giving us nasty looks. Ray on the other hand is avoiding eye contact.

   Sergeant Knuckle arrives slightly less formal this morning. His uniform is neat but instead of holding nothing, he has a cup of coffee.

  When the last one is lined up he finally speaks. "Mornin' bogtrotters. Forgive my less than formal appearance this morning. Late night of paperwork. But paperwork doesn't stop the morning routine. You know the drill by now."

  He stops to take a sip of his coffee. "15 kilometer today. Followed by a double on the obstacle course. Get your blood really moving today."

  He stands and stares at us. "Well  c'mon then! GET OFF YOUR ARSES AND GET MOVING!"

  "SIR, YES SIR!" We shout back in unison before scrambling to the perimeter fence and beginning our run. I can certainly tell Leorio isn't happy about the current situation. But it will help kick the alcohol out of his system.


I manage to push myself harder today, managed the 15K in just under 50 minutes. Doing the obstacle twice on the other hand was an ordeal of itself. Not much changed from yesterday but the 15K on top of it slowed me down.

It's no surprise I finish first. Leorio coming in a few minutes behind me. "Only reason you were ahead today is cause that booze."

"Are you daft? Keep it down. Don't need the others knowing you had drinks."

He waves me off. "Most of them are only now starting the obstacle and we are a good distance away. Either way the stuff is working it's way out with my blood pumping."

Nurse Bisky had herself set up by the time we finished so we could head over to grab a canteen. We each grab one. The nurse giving him a wink as we do. I can't tell if he's blushing or just hot from the run. Probably both with the shade of red he's turning.

"Mate, I thought you said I didn't make a nutter of myself last night." He says in a hushed town as we walk away from the table.

"No I said you didn't air your dirty laundry. But while I don't remember everything as I was more focused on my cards, she did seem to take a liking to you."

  "Ah bollocks. But I wasn't barking mad was I?"

  "I wouldn't say that. You definitely were arse over tit. But lucky for you she seems to like the dumb innocent ones." I grin slapping his back.

  "I hope I didn't say anything too crackers like talk about her Bristol's."

  "Doubt she'd take a liking to you if that was the case." We sit down on the grass and watch the rest of the cadets run or do the course. By the looks of it the bovver boys are in dead last. All except Ray. He seems to be keeping his distance from Van and Stoller for some reason.

   "You notice that too?" Leorio asks.

  "I have aye. Avoided eye contact when coming out today. Now distancing himself from them. He seems almost scared."

  "Maybe Stoller and Van are actually up to something and he doesn't want anything to do with it. I still think them all piss and wind."

  "Don't fancy they got the bottle to do anything huh?"

  "Nothing mental at least. If they try anything we can just duff 'em up. The COs know they are trouble. Should they actually try anything they will be shipped back to the dosshouse they came from."

I consider this and he's right. Knuckle is sure to have a word with them. I'd be happy to give them a beating if needed. I probably am just over thinking the situation.

Then again I usually trust my gut instinct. It hasn't led me wrong yet.

"Don't flog a dead horse Gon. The situation is bound to be resolved sooner rather than later."

I nod but don't say anything. We sit in silence for the next roughly hour for the rest to finish so we can get some breakfast. It was during that time waiting did I realize a great many of the cadets are just your average Joe Bloggs.

Four weeks in and having little improvement. They'd be best leaving before they are kicked out. They are the type to be sent into war and be among the first to die on the front lines.

When I think about what would that mean for me? I'm the top of the cadets with Leorio being next to me. Would we also be canon fodder? Just one among the millions that get sent out and return in a box? Worse yet, be one whose body is never recovered. An empty casket funeral. I'm sure that would sadden Aunt Mito worse than if I was in that box.

Looking up at the early morning sky it makes me wonder. What does this life of mine lead to? Will it take me to my father? Let me finally meet the man? How will this life end? I certainly don't know.

I look across the cadets in the platoon. I could be the best here. But out there in battle, I could take one step and die just like any other man. One bullet is all it takes.

(Authors comments) changing the title of that cause it's not really "notes" ANYWAY! I hope you guys don't mind a couple of Gon chapters in a row. This next chapter will be too. (Unless my brain goes and comes up with ideas for Killuas side of the story) getting things nice and set up! Hope you won't be disappointed.

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